Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Koomullil, Roy

Committee Member

Noack, Ralph W.

Committee Member

Soni, Bharat

Committee Member

Luke, Edward

Committee Member

Cinnella, Pasquale

Date of Degree


Original embargo terms


Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Computational Engineering (Program)

Degree Name

Master of Science


James Worth Bagley College of Engineering


Department of Computational Engineering


Computational Field Simulation processes are typically complex and involve execution of multiple software tools in the form of pipelines to perform simulations successfully. Very often, handling the input and output communication between the tools and allocating computing resources for the processes becomes an essential but an unimportant task for the user. A well written script can often reduce these peripheral tasks and allow the user to concentrate on the analysis. This thesis studies the aspects of design and implementation of a framework called the Integrated Simulation Environment or ISE, that not only forms a scripted environment for high level integration of simulation software tools, but is also flexible enough to accommodate new tools on the fly, while maintaining ease of use and reliability. A hierarchy based design methodology was used to implement the ISE. Hierarchies provide the framework with the flexibility to decompose the complexities of simulation process pipelines and physical entities such as grids and geometries into managable components. Also hierarchies are easily translated into standards such as XML for saving and restoring, and external communication. An Overset CFD simulation process pipeline was integrated into the framework and tested for ease of use, reliability and extensibility. Both simple and complex tools such as a curve extraction tool, a surface grid generation tool, a volume grid generation tool and tools for preparing flow solver inputs were integrated into the system and tested successfully.

