Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Younan, Nicolas H.

Committee Member

O’Hara, Charles G.

Committee Member

Bruce, Lori M.

Date of Degree


Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Electrical Engineering

Degree Name

Master of Science


James Worth Bagley College of Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


There has been an exponential increase in satellite image data availability. Image data are now collected with different spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions. Image fusion techniques are used extensively to combine different images having complementary information into one single composite. The fused image has rich information that will improve the performance of image analysis algorithms. Pansharpening is a pixel level fusion technique used to increase the spatial resolution of the multispectral image using spatial information from the high resolution panchromatic image while preserving the spectral information in the multispectral image. Resolution merge, image integration, and multisensor data fusion are some of the equivalent terms used for pansharpening. Pansharpening techniques are applied for enhancing certain features not visible in either of the single data alone, change detection using temporal data sets, improving geometric correction, and enhancing classification. Various pansharpening algorithms are available in the literature, and some have been incorporated in commercial remote sensing software packages such as ERDAS Imagine® and ENVI®. The performance of these algorithms varies both spectrally and spatially. Hence evaluation of the spectral and spatial quality of the pansharpened images using objective quality metrics is necessary. In this thesis, quantitative metrics for evaluating the quality of pansharpened images have been developed. For this study, the Intensity-Hue-Saturation (IHS) based sharpening, Brovey sharpening, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based sharpening and a Wavelet-based sharpening method is used.

