Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Wells, Jessica B.
Committee Member
Walker, Ryan M.
Committee Member
Wamsley, Kelley G.S.
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science (M.S.)
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Poultry Science
Currently, most Americans are 2 to 4 generations removed from the farm, as only 2% are involved with agriculture. Thus, verifying the importance of agriculture education implementation to promote the agriculture industry. MSU has a novel Hatch-out Program in attempt to bridge the gap in agriculture awareness. Research for this thesis first evaluates previous participants of the Hatch-out Program to assess satisfaction to determine if modifications are needed. This thesis will conclude with the implementation and validation of the modified curriculum, lesson plans, as well as activities and materials into the classroom. A post-implementation survey was also given to the teachers to evaluate ease of implementation as well as age-appropriateness. Results revealed an increase of knowledge across all grades in respect to the pre- and post-test. Survey results revealed an ease of implementation as well as age-appropriateness from teacher surveys.
Recommended Citation
Beasley, Marissa Kaytlyn, "Assessment of current Hatch-out Program curriculum implemented in K-12 for Mississippi" (2022). Theses and Dissertations. 5520.