Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Granger, Joshua J.
Committee Member
Poudel, Krishna P.
Committee Member
Himes, Austin
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science (M.S.)
College of Forest Resources
Department of Forestry
Many landowners in the southeastern United States have invested in southern yellow pine plantations and managed them using traditional management schemes. However, non-industrial private forest landowners often have goals and challenges that make traditional management less desirable or possible. This thesis contains two projects that offer potential solutions for these landowners. The first project is a management option for landowners with small parcels that wish to manage pine plantations and proposes low-density management paired with crown lifting for the production of saw logs without commercial thinning entries. The second proposes a method for incorporating mixed-species management into already existing plantations. This increases biodiversity and could be more ecologically stable than single-species plantations. These options present opportunities for non-industrial private forest landowners who do not fit into the traditional management framework due to differences in management goals or economic constraints on management.
Recommended Citation
Collins, Darcey Alyce, "Novel silviculture practices for non-industrial private forest landowners" (2022). Theses and Dissertations. 5611.