Theses and Dissertations
Boltz, Timothy
Committee Member
Adhikari, Pratima
Committee Member
Wu, Tung-Lung
Committee Member
Wamsley, Kelley
Date of Degree
Original embargo terms
Embargo 1 year
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Agriculture (Poultry Science)
Degree Name
Master of Science (M.S.)
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Poultry Science
The Food Safety Modernization Act has enforced the importance of research in preventative and control measures for known hazards. Experiment 1 applies existing statistical models, Linear and Weibull, to Escherichia coli thermal inactivation in broiler mash feed in a lab-based circulating water bath to simulate conditioning. Linear and Weibull models were determined to be suitable for modeling the thermal inactivation of E. coli in broiler feed. In Experiment 2, a Salmonella challenge model for broilers raised in floor pens in the updated Animal Biosafety Level-2 facility was evaluated over a 42-day grow-out period. Broiler performance and recovery of Salmonella from liver, spleen, ceca, and external bird rinses were measured for Salmonella challenged and unchallenged groups of Ross 708 male broilers in five different rooms. The five different rooms utilized in the study performed similarly to each other and can be used as replicate blocks in future experiments.
Recommended Citation
Carroll, Michael, "Application of existing statistical models to thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli in a lab-based circulating water bath and investigation of a Salmonella challenge model in a 42-day broiler grow-out in an updated facility" (2024). Theses and Dissertations. 6294.