Theses and Dissertations
Brown, Matthew W.
Committee Member
Counterman, Brian A.
Committee Member
Dapper, Amy L.
Committee Member
Gout, Jean-Francois
Date of Degree
Original embargo terms
Visible MSU Only 2 Years
Document Type
Dissertation - Campus Access Only
Biological Sciences
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
Protists are defined as eukaryotic organisms that are not animals, land plants, or fungi and make up the vast majority of eukaryotic diversity. Unfortunately, they are often overlooked and under sampled. Some rationales behind this are that they are often microscopic, most rarely the cause of human disease, and are often difficult to get into culture. Molecular phylogenetics has revolutionized our understanding of the evolutionary history of eukaryotes and without a clear picture of protist evolution our understanding would be severely hindered. Phylofisher is an easy-to-use phylogenomic software package, with an accompanying database and various utilities, intended for deep phylogenomic analyses. Here I present thorough documentation for the use of PhyloFisher. I also developed a PhyloFisher utility, nucl_matrix_constructor.py, to allow the software package to build nucleotide phylogenomic matrices. This will allow users to address more shallow evolutionary questions. I developed a metabarcoding pipeline based on Oxford Nanopore Technology’s long read sequencing platform to explore the diversity of eukaryotic organisms in environmental samples. I characterized a novel discosean amoeba. Lastly, I predicted the proteomes from publicly available, but non-annotated genomes for 19 Acanthamoeba spp. and two Balamuthia spp. and used the PhyloFisher tools documented and developed to gain a better understanding into the evolutionary history of the clade as well as provide key resources in the future research of the clade.
Recommended Citation
Jones, Robert E., "Using phylogenomics and environmental metabarcoding to understand the distribution and evolutionary histories of amoebae" (2024). Theses and Dissertations. 6318.