Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Brocato, D. Kay

Committee Member

Brown-Johnson, Ashli

Committee Member

Fincher, Mark Edward

Committee Member

Wallin, Penny K.

Date of Degree


Original embargo terms

MSU Only Indefinitely

Document Type

Dissertation - Campus Access Only


Elementary, Middle, and Secondary Education Administration

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


College of Education


Department of Educational Leadership


There were several purposes to this study using a Spearman Rho correlation mixed method design. The first aim of this study was to address notable themes about science engagement from school leaders and science writing. The second purpose was to determine how postsecondary students' description of student engagement in elementary K-6 science classrooms correlate with students' writing quality. The final purpose of this study focused on a call for guidance to determine how students’ ratings of engagement from various teaching models, strategies, and techniques during elementary K-6 science activities correlate with students’ writing quality. Data were collected in the study using two instruments consisting of a survey and writing quality samples. The participants completed the Post-Secondary Survey of Science Engagement-Elementary Version (PSSSE-EV) survey and a college writing sample assignment from an introductory biochemistry course. The results of this study demonstrated postsecondary biochemistry students' memories of their elementary science engagement and college writing quality sample had no significant correlation between students' K-6 science engagement. Results also indicate the principals and assistant principals have no direct involvement in leading the students to engage in elementary K-6 science classroom engagement. Finally, results from the themes that emerged from the participants’ writing samples indicated students' inspiration and motivation to further their education in a science related field emerged. It also revealed that students who became involved in science did so because of their own efforts and encouragement of great teachers as leaders.

