Theses and Dissertations


Morrison, Carley Calico

Committee Member

Benson, Jessica

Committee Member

McCubbins, OP

Committee Member

Lemley, Stephanie

Date of Degree


Original embargo terms

Immediate Worldwide Access

Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Agricultural and Education Extension (Community and Extension Education)

Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.)


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


School of Human Sciences


As generations have moved away from the farm, the population has become less aware of the practices behind the agriculture industry. However, people are becoming interested in how their food is produced. Since most of the population has not received an agriculture education, they look towards social media as their source of information. Social media has become a platform for sharing opinions and knowledge on certain topics. It has also been studied the perceptions of others can be influenced by emotionalizing and repeating stories related to the topic. Farmers and ranchers are now sharing their knowledge and experiences regarding agriculture through the convenience of social media. This leaves the question can a farmer’s use of social media influence a change in the public opinion of agriculture to a positive one. Therefore, this study focuses on the potential influence and impact farm-fluencers have on public perceptions of agriculture, through using social media.
