Theses and Dissertations



Fulford, Charles Taze, III

Committee Member

Schauwecker, Timothy

Committee Member

Summerlin, Peter

Date of Degree


Original embargo terms

Immediate Worldwide Access

Document Type

Graduate Thesis - Open Access


Master of Landscape Architecture

Degree Name

Master of Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Department of Landscape Architecture


In landscape architecture, site inventory is a common precursor and perpetual informant of site design, toolkit development, and best management practices. Within inventory-specific texts, inventory is primarily geared, collected, and applied toward the daytime, and thusly, one might consider the bulk of inventory to be “daytime inventory” which pays greater heed to a diurnal humanity and lesser heed to the nocturnal world. With a greater attention to nighttime site conditions, we explored “nighttime inventory” through a series of primary considerations - nighttime lighting, light pollution, site ecology, and the night sky – along with several secondary considerations. We then surveyed 811 landscape practitioners from 12 states - receiving 51 responses - and via Likert, open-response, and yes/no inquiries; we assessed whether practitioners acknowledge and/or design per those nighttime considerations in their professional practice. Summarily, we found landscape practitioners paid less heed to nighttime inventory considerations – with some notable exceptions.
