Featured Publications
Agricultural Economics Technical Publications 1959-1981 (Agricultural Economics Special Publications)
Audio-Visual (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes materials related to President Ulysess S. Grant, Robert E. Lee and the history of the American Civil War.
Blending (Seed Technology Papers)
CAAD Rare Book Collections (Bob and Kathy Luke Architecture, Art, and Design Library)
Campaign Paraphernalia (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes badges, tickets, posters and other artifacts linked to political campaigns.
CDVs (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes portraits of leading individuals, bucloic nature scenes and other depictions of average life during the nineteenth and early twentieth century.
Certificates (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes commemorative, historical and reproduction certificates.
Coins & Medals (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes commemorative, historical and decorative coins and medals. This class includes coins and medals made from many materials; such as, silver and bronze.
Dolls (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes dolls of prominent individuals; such as Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Mary Todd Lincoln.
Drying (Seed Technology Papers)
Duncan High School Collections (Manuscripts Division)
The Duncan High School Digital Collection contains the 1940-1941 yearbook from Duncan High School, Duncan, Bolivar County, Mississippi. The yearbook belonged to Ruth’s brothers, twins Frank and Bob Comfort.
Ephemera (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This large class includes calendars, greeting cards, brochures, flyers and many other artifacts from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
General and Miscellaneous (Seed Technology Papers)
Germination Physiology - Dormancy (Seed Technology Papers)
Glassware & Ceramics (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes bottles, mugs, plates and many other artifacts.
Inorganic Materials (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes an original brick from the home of Abraham Lincoln and other artifacts.
Jerry Boyd Jones Photographs Collection (Manuscripts Division)
Jerry Boyd Jones, a native of Starkville, MS, lived near Monrovia, Liberia from 1975-1980 while working as a missionary with the National Baptist Convention, under the Foreign Mission Board. While in Liberia, he collaborated with African businesses and organizations to provide residents of remote villages with access to medical care, power, and clean water. He also oversaw the construction of the Jack Webb Chapel, which was designed by an American architect and constructed by a Nigerian firm. While serving in this capacity, Jones used his camera to record his surroundings, including landscapes and scenes from village life. Jones donated digital copies of the pictures to Mississippi State University Special Collections in 2021, and selections from the collection are presented here.
Jewelry (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes watches, buttons, necklaces, cufflinks, and charms.
Maps (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes historical maps of the United States. There are several historical Civil War battle maps.
Maturation - Harvesting (Seed Technology Papers)
Metalwork (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes spoons, pins, keys and many other artifacts.
Military Regalia (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes military uniform garments, badges, and pins.
Miniatures (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes many small soldiers and cannons.
Mississippi State College Agricultural Experiment Station Circulars 1926-1958 (Agricultural Economics Special Publications)
Mississippi State College Agricultural Experiment Station circulars from 1926-1958.
Myrna Colley-Lee Working Costume Collection (Theatre MSU)
Newspapers (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes eighteenth, ninetieth and twentieth century newspapers.
Office Supplies (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes pencils, pens and seals.
Organic Materials (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes artifacts made of leaves, wood and other organic materials. This class features small replica houses, profile portraits, among other interesting artifacts.
Paper Money (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes an uncut sheet of five dollar bills and other artifacts.
Photographs (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes photographs from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This class includes daguerreotypes, tin types, cabinet cards and many others.
Physiological Quality – Vigor – Physical Properties (Seed Technology Papers)
Plaques (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes many commemorative and historical plaques.
Poetry and the Poppy (World War I and America)
Political Paraphernalia (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
Postcards (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes postcards from throughout the United States. These postcards are were produced throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century.
Prints (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes prints from the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty first centuries. Many prints are in color while others are black and white.
Processing (Seed Technology Papers)
Quality Control (Seed Technology Papers)
Sculpture (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes many bust, profiles and small sculptures.
Seed Multiplication and Production (Seed Technology Papers)
Seed Testing - General (Seed Technology Papers)
Sheet Music (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes several pieces of nineteenth century sheet music. Most of the sheet music is related to Abraham Lincoln.
Souvenirs & Novelties (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes magnets, bookmarks, clips, coasters and decorations.
Statuettes and Figurines (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes busts, life masks, and many other artifacts.
Storage (Seed Technology Papers)
Storage - Equipment (Seed Technology Papers)
Storage Physiology - Deterioration (Seed Technology Papers)
Textiles (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes embroidery pieces, such as, patches and ribbons.
Theses and Dissertations (Theses and Dissertations)
This collection assembles the theses and dissertations of Mississippi State University graduate students. The majority of the documents are born digital from 2001 to present; however, there are a few documents that have been digitized with the author's permission and added to the repository.
If you are the author of a MSU thesis or dissertation and would like a digitized copy preserved in the repository, please send an email to etd@library.msstate.edu with your contact and citation information.
Some of the documents in this collection have restricted access. If you would like to request access, please contact etd@library.msstate.edu with the document name and URL.
Beginning in 2020, efforts are made to ensure each submitted thesis and dissertation is web accessible. If there are issues with the accessibility of the document, please contact etd@library.msstate.edu. Documents submitted before 2020 were not made web accessible. If you need accessibility added to a document, please contact etd@library.msstate.edu and we will try to accommodate your request.
Toys & Games (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes board games, playing cards and several small toys.
Volumes of The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant (The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant)
The digital collection of 31 volumes of The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant.
Woodwork (Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana)
This class includes frames and pipes.