Affidavit of R. H. Bolen for hire of Elcy; 1/20/1864
R. H. Bolen
Affidavit, R. H. Bolen promises to pay W. L. Tynes, guardian of R. C. Crayton $80.00 for the hire of a Negro girl named Elcy, who is to have a winter suit of clothes, two summer suits of clothes, one blanket, a quilt, one pair of shoes and stockings, one bonnet. The tax is also to be paid by R. H. Bolen. 1864. R. C. (Roena Catherine) Crayton, married W. D. Tynes, widower of her sister, in 1874. 1864.
Annual report of W. D. Tynes Guardian for R. C. Crayton; 3-23-1863
William Doric Tynes
Annual Report of W. D. Tynes Guardian for R. C. Crayton a Minor To February Term 1863 of the Probate Court of Itawamba Co Mississippi. As assets, Tynes lists five individuals indebted to the guardian account by notes, cash on hand of $900 in Confederate money, and payments for hiring out slaves Parker & Charley, Ann and 2 children and Elsy ($243), for a total of $2241 credited to the account. As expenses, Tynes lists payments for the war tax, state and county taxes, tuition to J. L. Richardson, medical visits and medicine to W. I. & F. Rodgers, an amount paid to Tynes for boarding Crayton, and other expenses, for a total of 188.93. The account showed an ending balance of $2052.07. R. C. (Roena Catherine) Crayton, married W. D. Tynes, widower of her sister, in 1874.