Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Forde, M. Connie
Committee Member
Hare, R. Dwight
Committee Member
Davis, Ed.
Committee Member
Adams, James
Committee Member
Abraham, S. Patti
Date of Degree
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Education Technology
Degree Name
Doctor of Education
College of Education
Department of Instructional Systems, Leadership and Workforce Development
This research was conducted to determine if characteristics of teachers impact student learning in the secondary career and technical education Allied Health program area. This research was conducted for the following reasons: (a) to determine if teacher participation in professional learning opportunities impact student learning, (b) to determine if the use of curriculum and instruction resources impact student learning, (c) to determine if the implementation of researched-based teaching strategies impact student learning, and (d) to determine if other characteristics impact student learning. The data collected include responses from the fall 2007 MS-CPAS2 Allied Health student scores and survey responses from Mississippi Allied Health Teachers. This survey included: (a) professional learning, (b) use of curriculum and instruction resources, (c) researched-based teaching strategies, and (d) teacher experience. This study found that that students who had teachers who attended one to two face-toace professional learning sessions had a higher student mean score on MS-CPAS2 tests than students who had teachers who attended three or more face-toace professional learning sessions. Additionally, more Allied Health instructors are participating in face-toace professional learning than online professional learning. Although a majority of the participants are not attending the data retreat sessions, those who attend have lower MS-CPAS2 scores than those who do not attend. Recommendations were made to decision makers for future use of funds related to the development of curriculum and instruction materials and the development and implementation of professional learning opportunities. Some recommendations include: (a) creating incentives for teachers and administrators to participate more in online professional learning, (b) the curriculum framework created for secondary occupation- specific programs become a one-stop-shop for strategies that are proven to increase student learning, and (c) teacher licensure requirements should move from only requiring a two year associate’s degree to a four year bachelor’s degree.
Recommended Citation
Parker, Robin Ann, "The impact of teacher characteristics on a secondary career and technical education program in Mississippi" (2008). Theses and Dissertations. 4511.