Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Hall, Kimberly Renee.

Committee Member

Dooley, Katherine.

Committee Member

Harvey, Benjamin.

Committee Member

Justice, Cheryl A.

Date of Degree


Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access


School Counseling

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


College of Education


Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Foundations


While the importance of dual enrollment programs has been clearly demonstrated, the potential impact of completing college level courses during high school has on the emotional and mental well-being of adolescents has not been explored. School counselors are in a unique position to foster an academic environment that also enhances their emotional and mental wellness. Discovering factors that contribute to internalized behaviors, peer relationships, and academic performance, may provide school counselors a better understanding of personal, social, and academic development of adolescents The present study used a nonexperimental, comparative, research design to explore whether or not participation in dual-enrollment courses has any influence on internalized behaviors (locus of control, self-esteem, self-reliance, and sense of inadequacy) and peer relationships (social stress and interpersonal relationships) of 12th grade students. Data were collected through a demographic survey and the Self-Report of Personality, Adolescent version (SRP-A) of the Behavior Assessment System for Children, 2nd edition (BASC-2) instruments. Two multivariate analyses of variance found no statistically significant results for the overall models. However, individually, the variable of self- esteem was statistically significant between dual enrolled and non-dual enrolled students. Based on the results of this research, school counselors can be better prepared to address and promote academic, career, and social competencies as it specifically relates to measures of self-esteem.

