College of Forest Resources Publications and Scholarship
Publications and scholarship produced from faculty and researchers at Mississippi State University's College of Forest Resources.
Activated Carbon Derived from Pyrolyzed Pinewood Char using Elevated Temperature, KOH, H3PO4, and H2O2., Yan Luo, Jason T. Street, Philip H. Steele, Edward D. Entsminger, and Vamshi K. Guda
A probabilistic framework for behavioral identification from animal-borne accelerometers, Jane Dentinger, Luca Börger, Mark D. Holton, Ruholla Jafari-Marandi, Durham A. Norman, Brian K. Smith, Seth F. Oppenheimer, Bronson K. Strickland, Rory P. Wilson, and Garrett M. Street
Despotism and Risk of Infanticide Influence Grizzly Bear Den-site Selection, Nathan S. Libal, Jerrold L. Belant, Bruce D. Leopold, Guiming Wang, and Patricia A. Owen
Evaluation of Mowing Frequency on Right-of-Way Plant Communities in Mississippi., Edward D. Entsminger, Jeanne C. Jones, John W. Guyton, Bronson K. Strickland, and Bruce D. Leopold
Mowing Effects on Woody Stem Density and Woody and Herbaceous Vegetation Heights along Mississippi Highway Right-of-Ways., Edward D. Entsminger, Jeanne C. Jones, John W. Guyton, Bruce D. Leopold, and Bronson K. Strickland
Overexpression of CONSTANS homologs CO1 and CO2 fails to alter normal reproductive onset and fall bud set in woody perennial poplar., Chuan-Yu Hsu, Joshua P. Adams, Kyoungok No, Haiying Liang, Richard Meilan, Olga Pechanova, Abdelali Barakat, John E. Carlson, Grier P. Page, and Cetin Yuceer
Putting Out the Fire: A Review of Wildlife Agency Responses to Chronic Wasting Disease, Miranda Huang, Noelle Thompson, Sonja Christensen, and Steve Demarais
Alternative Mowing Regimes’ Influence on Native Plants and Deer., John W. Guyton, Jeanne C. Jones, and Edward D. Entsminger
Research Data
Aquatic habitat changes along the Arkansas River (Supporting Data and Code), Mike Rhodes, Jonathan Spurgeon, Wes Neal, and Kristine Evans
Aquatic habitat changes along the Arkansas River (Supporting Data for Analysis), Jonathan Spurgeon, Mike Rhodes, Wes Neal, and Kristine Evans
Capture history data from hair snare sampling of wild pigs in Mississippi, Tyler S. Evans, Eric T. Hileman, Melanie R. Boudreau, Bronson K. Strickland, and Raymond B. Iglay
Changes in bark properties and hydrology following prescribed fire, Courtney Siegert, Anna Ilek, and Adam Wade
Changes in forest hydrology and soil biogeochemistry following a simulated tree mortality event of southern pine beetle, Courtney Siegert, Heidi Renninger, and Nicole Hornslein
Chronic Wasting Disease Contamination of Deer Scrapes, Miranda H.J. Huang, Steve Demarais, Alejandro Banda, Bronson K. Strickland, Anna Grace Welch, Scoty Hearst, Stuart Lichtenberg, Allan Houston, Kim M. Pepin, and Kurt C. VerCauteren
Compiled Dataset from the National Reservoir Research Program 1989 Dataset, Nicky M. Faucheux and Leandro E. Miranda
Conservation Database for the Gulf Coast Region of the United States, Andrew Shamaskin, Sathishkumar Samiappan, Jiangdong Liu, Kristine Evans, and Anna Linhoss
Data and Code for "Net Displacement and Temporal Scaling: Model Fitting, Interpretation, and Implementation", Garrett Street, Tal Avgar, and Luca Börger
Data Archive: Using a Coproduction Approach to Map Future Forest Retention Likelihood in the Southeastern United States, Rachel E. Greene, Kristine O. Evans, Michael T. Gray, D. Todd Jones-Farrand, and William G. Wathen
Data from: Phylogenomic Species Delimitation of Studfishes (Fundulidae: Fundulus): Evidence for Cryptic Species in Agreement with the Central Highlands Vicariance Hypothesis, Kayla M. Fast, Peter J. Hundt, Zachariah D. Alley, and Michael W. Sandel
Data Repository - Influence of Disturbance on Avian Communities in Agricultural Conservation Buffers in Mississippi, USA, The Open Ornithology Journal, Heidi Lynn Adams, L. Wes Burger Jr, and Sam Riffell
Dataset for Controllable factors affecting accuracy and precision of human identification of animals from drone imagery, Landon R. Jones, Jared A. Elmore, B. S. Krishnan, Sathishkumar Samiappan, Kristine O. Evans, Morgan B. Pfeiffer, Bradley F. Blackwell, and Raymond B. Iglay
Datasets and script associated with S. B. Correa et al. 2025. Floodplain forests drive fruit-eating fish diversity at the Amazon Basin scale, Sandra B. Correa, Karold V. Coronado-Franco, Celine Jézéquel, Amanda Cantarute Rodrigues, and Kristine O. Evans
End-grain of 10 North American hardwoods, Lopes Dercilio Verly Junior, Greg W. Burgreen, and Edward D. Entsminger
End-grain of eleven softwood species, Dercilio Lopes, Gabrielly Dos Santos Bobadilha, Edward Entsminger, and Optimal LLC
Physiological Functioning and Productivity in Eastern Cottonwood and Hybrid Poplars on Contrasting Sites in the Southeastern US, Heidi Renninger
Species distribution models to inform at-risk species status assessments in the southeastern US, Carlos Ramirez-Reyes, Mona Nazeri, Garrett Street, Francisco Vilella, D. Todd Jones-Farrand, and Kristine O. Evans
The Complete Mitochondrial Genomes of Notropis chlorocephalus and Notropis chiliticus, Zachariah D. Alley, Kayla M. Fast, and Michael W. Sandel
Using hyperspectral leaf reflectance to estimate the photosynthetic capacity and nitrogen content across eastern cottonwood and hybrid poplar genotypes, Thu Ya Kyaw, Courtney M. Siegert, Padmanava Dash, Krishna P. Poudel, Justin J. Pitts, and Heidi J. Renninger