Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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'Whisper True Heart'
Ilma M. Pratt
Portrait of Vernona Jarbeau on the left side; scattered flowers thru out
'Whisper True Heart'
Ilma M. Pratt
Portrait of Vernona Jarbeau on the left side; scattered flowers thru out
Gerald W. Sullivan and Harry Geise
Picture of Jerry Sullivan; Illustration of different flowers and designs
Whistling In The Dark
Dana Suesse
Picture of Guy and Carmen Lombardo; Illustration of a city off in distance, man standing by water, and a walkway through the grass
Whistling Jim
Theodore F. Morse
Facial profile whistling music notes and phrases on green background; Photograph of Viola Vallorie
White, White is the Jasmine Flower
Gustav Saenger
Illustration of white flowers and various instruments; inset illustration of woman
Whoa ''IDA HO'' Whoa
Harry von Tilzer
Woman dressed like cowgirl holding hat with photo of composer and girl with gun
Who Am I
Alfred Newman
Illustration of semi-circles and arrows with red background on left side; Illustration of half of woman's head on right with blue background
Whoa! Nellie!
George Gould
Illustration of Cadillac with people in it and horse rearing with old man in wagon behind it
Who are you with to-night?
Egbert van Alstyne
A man and a woman talking on telephones separated by a large question mark / Edgar Keller ; inset photo of Williams and Van Alstyne.
Who Did You Fool After All
Van Schenick and Johnny S. Black
Photograph of Van and Schenck; Illustration of woman looking at Cupid
Who Discovered Dixie
Abner Silver
Illustration of question mark with couple sitting on curve and man playing banjo on top; Illustration of plantation with people picking cotton to left of question mark; Illustration of river boat on river to right of question mark
Who'll be your sweetheart when you're sweet sixteen
Richard Howard
A little girl within the outline of a heart / Barbelle.
Who'll Buy My Dream
Harry A. McDonald Jr.
Photograph of Ensign Harry A. McDonald, Jr.; Illustration of soldiers
Who'll Take My Place
Billy Fazioli
Woman with coat, hat, and purse walking on striped winding road with black and yellow polka dots with yellow and black background
Who'll Take The Place Of The Song Bird Now Gone
Raymond S. Orton
Illustration of bird house with bird flying away and clouds with illustration of man's face in clouds
Who Loves You
Benny Davis and J. Fred Coots
Illustration of man and woman looking at each other in heart shaped box; Cupid on each side of illustration with bow drawn
Who's Calling You Sweetheart Tonight
Pete Wendling
Illustration of man and woman's face in semi-circle surrounded by stars
Whose Izzy Is He
Bud Green, Lew Buford Brown, and Murray Sturm
Illustration of two women with man in middle wearing suit; Photograph of Van and Schenck
Whose Little Heart Are You Breaking Now?
Irving Berlin
Girl in black dress on stage in front of gold curtain
Who's Got A Tent For Rent
Jack Fulton and Cunliffe
Illustration of tent with No Room written in white surrounded by a black box; No Rooms and No Vacancies written on lines separated by bullet points in background
Who's Sorry Now
Ted Synder
Photograph of Eddie Healy and Allan cross; Illustration of man and woman in rose garden
Who's there knocking at my door
Chris Smith
An African American man in a tuxedo knocking on a door ; photo inset of Harry Brown.
Who's Wonderful-Who's Marvelous
Sidney Clare and Lew Pollock
Woman wearing boa and yellow dress looking through window with cupid pointing an arrow at woman
Who Wouldn't Be Jealous Of You
George Frommel, Larry Shay, and Haven Gillespie
Photograph of Gus Arnheim; Illustration of woman with orange and white background
Who Wouldn't Love You
Joseph A. Burke
Illustration of man and woman by fountain surrounded by plant in vase and tree
Why Can't This Go On Forever
Fred E. Ahlert
Photograph of Ray Heatherton; Black ovular shaped object behind photograph with white stripes around edges surrounded by pink and white design
Why Cant We Be Sweethearts
Doris White and Norman Costello
Illustration of woman sitting on windowsill
Why Can't You
Al Jolson, Buddy Gard De Sylva, Lew Buford Brown, and Roy Henderson
Photographs of 5 men with different facial expressions; Orange and white design in background
Why Couldn't Be Poor Little Me
Isham Jones
Illustration of woman facing away from artist holding rose
Why Dance
Fred E. Ahlert
Photograph of Kate Smith; Woman in orange dress with black trim; Orange, white, and black boxes with designs in contrasting color
Why Did I Kiss That Girl
Robert King and Roy Henderson
Photograph of Joe Smith's Martha Lee Club Orchestra; Illustration of man pointing at his lips in front of blushing woman
Why Did You Call Me Wonderful One
Ray Vincent and Leo Herbert
Illustration of woman's face; Photograph of John Knight and the Waldorf Astoria Hotel Orchestra
Why did you do it to me, Babe?
Harry von Tilzer
Colorized black and white photo of woman in period clothing, possibly of Margaret Young, with hand drawn wallpaper background / [photo by] Hixon-Connelly?; [graphic art by] Barbelle
Why Does It Have To Rain On Sunday
Vi Ott and Bob Merrill
Photograph of Perry Comon; Blue and white checkered background
Why Don't My Dreams Come True
George E. Patten and Arthur R. Grant
Illustration of man sitting in sofa smoking a cigarette by fireplace
Why Don't They Put A Saddle On This Doggone Jeep?
Marsh Crosley
Illustration of cowboy riding automobile
Why Don't We Do This More Often
Allie Wrubel
Photograph of Freddy Martin; Illustration of man and woman holding hands walking in sky
Why Don't You
Harry Tierney
Photograph of Alice Delysia; Illustration of roses and vines around title
Why Don't You Believe Me
Lew Douglas, King Laney, and Roy Rodde
Photograph of Joni James; Illustration of piano keys and musical measure
Why Don't You Drive My Blues Away?
Frank Papa
Illustration of woman in suit holding hat standing by window; Stars and tree branches outside window; Checkered streamer around portrait of Dorothy Alexander
Why Don't You Fall In Love With Me
Mabel Wayne
Photograph of Dinah Shore; Illustration of woman holding hands together with teal background
Why Don't You Practice What You Preach
Maurice Sigler, Al Hoffman, and Al Goodhart
Illustration of man with pipe sitting at table with phone by window
Why don't you smile?
Lem Trombley
Drawing of a woman's head inside a heart / A.W. Peters ; photo inset of Lem Trombley.
Why don't you try
Egbert van Alstyne
Man and woman sharing a rolling wicker carriage on a street / A.T.?
Why Do They Always Say No
Billy Glason and Ed G. Nelson
Illustration of woman pleading on knees with another woman
Why Do They Call Them Babies
Jack Egan
Illustration of young boy and girl in moon shaped figure shining down on woman; Illustration of young child's face in right corner
Why Do You Suppose?
Richard Rodgers
Woman and Sailor on small boat surrounded by waves and jumping fish
Why Dream
Leo Robin, Richard A. Whiting, and Ralph Rainger
Photograph of Henry Wadsworth; Illustration of jazz ensemble with various objects