Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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A Friend of Yours
Jimmy Van Heusen
Photograph of Linda Darnell and Barbara Britton on maroon background
After All I Adore You
Lou Herscher and Art Coogan
Illustration of woman in blue dress looking up and photograph of Sam Brown and his 'WOO' Radio Orchestra
After All The Years It Took Me To Find You Don't Say I Must Lose You Now
Neuman Fier
Illustration of woman with short hair wearing something white
After All You're All I'm After
Charles Newman, Victor Young, and Sid Lorraine
Illustration of woman wearing pearls
After A While
Richard A. Whiting
Woman wearing dress and hat sitting on railing while smelling flower; Large vase with plant behind woman; Background of stairs, trees, and moon; Photograph of Eileen Van Biene
After Every Party
Arthur Freed and Earl Burtnett
Illustration of man holding woman outside door of house
After I See The Sandman
Tommy Malie, Charles Newman, and Arthur Sizemore
Illustration of man dreaming about woman
After I've Called You Sweetheart How Can I Call You Friend
Jack Little
Photograph of woman wearing black dress, hat and pearl necklace
After My Laughter Came Tears
Roy Turk
Illustration of woman looking out window and crying on her pillow; Photograph of Harry Lewis and Mitze Wyman on left
After Sunday Afternoon
Harry Harris
Illustration of man and woman getting married with clouds behind them
After The Clouds Roll By Jennie
Harry L. Newman
Woman sitting on logs with man on bridge holding woman's hand; Photograph of Joe Maxwell
After The War Is Over
Harry Andrieu
Soldiers marching with woman and little girl both wearing white dresses
After The War Is Over Will There Be Any Home Sweet Home?
Harry Andrieu
Two men lying dead after a battle
After Wild Flowers
L. Streabbog
Illustration of two girls pulling chariot with younger girl and dog; Small dog outside of chariot looking at larger dog and girl inside chariot
After You Get What You Want You Don't Want It
Irving Berlin
Illustration of woman wearing large hat with feather and white boa
A Gal in Calico
Arthur Schwartz
Photos of Dennis Morgan, Jack Carson, Martha Vickers, Janis Paige, and Carmen Cavallaro
A Gay Caballero
Frank Crumit and Lou Klein
Illustration of trees by water; Photograph of Frank Crumit
Aggravation Rag
George L. Cobb
Illustration of woman putting hands up defensively and smiling at man
A Girl! A Girl! (Zoom Ba Di Alli Nella)
Bennie Benjamin, George Weiss, and Al Bandini
Blue background with photograph of two men on graph paper
A girl in your arms is worth two in your dreams
Percy Wenrich
Photo of a man and woman ; decorative border by the 'Rose' artist.
A Good Man is Hard to Find
Eddie Green
scene of a woman reading the Matrimonial News; she is sitting beside a window that has a view of the water
A Gypsy Told Me
Samuel Pokrass
Photograph of Sonja Henie and Don Ameche; photo of woman iceskating with blue background
A Handful of Stars
Ted Shapiro and Jack Lawrence
Photograph of various singers gathered around microphone on blue background
James V. Monaco
Photograph of man with clarinet in hand tipping his hat with Ah-Ha! written in background
A Hillbilly Wedding In June
Freddie Owen and Frankie More
Illustration of people coming out of church and photograph of Benny Meroff
Ah! Love, But a Day
Hallett Gilberté
Illustration of two women wearing big dresses with one woman playing instrument
A Holiday In Paris
Marc Fontenoy
Red and blue Eiffel Tower with blue woman to left and red man to right holding flowers
A Hot Time In The Old Town
Theodore A. Metz
Photograph of Josephine Sabel; Illustration of roses surrounding photograph frame; Illustration of men and women in cotton field
Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life
Victor Herbert
Photographs of Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy on yellow background
A Hundred And Sixty Acres
David Kapp
Photograph of three women looking at poster of man in cowboy outfit
A Hundred Years Ago
Dave Ringle
Illustration of man and woman dancing with photograph of man on left
A hundred years from now
Jack Caddigan
An elf looking through a hand-held telescope at airships flying through a city / Starmer.
Ah Wants To Die From Eatin' Possum Pie
Gene Edwards
Illustrations of men and women to left and right of title
A Hymn Of Thanksgiving
Fanny J. Crosby and Ira D. Sankey
A picture of a man and woman both facing eachother with an angle in between them
Ain't Dat A Shame
Walter Wilson
there is a man standing outside; photo of 'Tascot, The White Coon'in a marquise shaped frame.
Ain't Nature Grand?
Irving Bibo
Illustration of a woman in a flapper costume holding a bird in one hand. Photograph of two men at the bottom of the page.
Aint Nuthin Doin
Julian Wood and Dan Holt
Photograph of Julian Wood and Dan Holt; Illustration of leaves and vines around photographs and title
Ain't That A Grand And Glorious Feeling
Milton Ager
Illustration of man and woman about to kiss and photograph of Johnny Marvin on left
Ain't We Got Fun
Richard A. Whiting
Illustration of two men standing next to piano and photograph of Gus Van and Joe Schenck
Ain't You Coming Back to Dixieland
Richard A. Whiting
Photograph of Al Jolson; Illustration of men farming with home in background
A Kiss Goodnight
Freddie Slack, Floyd Victor, and R. N. Herman
Illustration of man and woman kissing and photograph of Carl Ravazza
A Kiss to Build a Dream On
Harry Ruby, Oscar Hammerstein, and Bert Kalmar
Headshots of Mickey Rooney, Kay Brown, Sally Forrest, Vic Damone, and Monica Lewis; photos of four musicians
Alabama Blossom : March and Two Step
Orlando Edwards
Illustration of man's face blooming from flower
Alabama blues
Libbie Williams Mehr
Silhouettes of an African-American couple kissing while a mammy looks on
Alabama Camp Meeting
F. Albert Miller
Illustration of woman in hat and two men with crowd in background
Alabama Cotton Ball
Tommie Clark
Illustration of couples dancing on bale of cotton with sun setting in background
Alabamy Bound
Ray Henderson
Portrait of woman seated with man visiting family, cotton, and birds in background