Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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I'm Out For A Great Big Time
A. J. Gornetzky
Illustration of man on one knee proposing to woman with shadows in background
Imperial Teteques
F. H. Losey
Photograph of the Masonic Band in uniform, standing in formation on the front steps of a building.
I'm sailing on a sunbeam
Dave Dreyer
five women dancing around a circle ; inset picture of the Duncan Sisters.
I'm satisfied
Jack Little
man holding his hat faces a woman tilting her head away / Barbelle ; inset photo of Marie Russell.
I'm Saving Up The Means To Get To New Orleans
Harry De Costa
Photograph of Emma Carus; Illustration of man and woman in cotton field; Illustration of men and women dancing on dock; Illustration of men loading packages
I'm sitting on top of the world
Ray Henderson
A man and woman lean on each other while sitting on top of a globe ; inset photo of Dorothy Francisco.
I'm sitting pretty in a pretty little city
Lou Davis
drawing of a man with African-Americans singing and dancing in the background / Starmer ; inset photo of Marshall Montgomery.
I'm sittin' high on a hill top
Arthur Johnston
inset photos of Powell, Allen, Paul Whiteman, Dvorak, Ramona Rubinoff, and Kelly.
I'm smiling through my tears
Wayne King
A couple stands beside a stream / Wohlman ; inset photo of Emmett O'Mara.
I'm So Glad My Mamma Don't Know Where I'm At
Willie Toosweet
Illustration of girl looking through stage curtains; Photograph of woman
I'm Sorry
Albert von Tilzer
Photograph of Ida O'Day with border; illustration of flowers in background
I'm Sorry I Made You Cry
Nicholas Joseph Clesi
Portrait of Belle Baker leaning over vase; Roses hanging from rod over portrait frame; Angels crying while sitting and standing on rod over portrait
I'm Sorry I Made You Cry
Nicholas Joseph Clesi
Man in picture frame with cupids and flowers around frame
I'm stepping out with a memory tonight
Allie Wrubel
picture of a man and woman dancing / Sorokin ; inset photo of Kate Smith.
I'm sure of everything but you
Charles O'Flynn
drawing of a woman, a bird in a cage, a small house, a cat, a dog, and a fish in a bowl ; inset photo of Gus Van (copies 1and4), Annette Hanshaw (copy 2), Mark Fisher (copy 3).
I'm Tellin' The Birds - Tellin' The Bees.
Cliff Friend
Photo of man in hat; Floral design in background
I'm Tellin' The Birds - Tellin' The Bees.
Cliff Friend and Lew Buford Brown
Photograph of Al Jolson; Illustration of flowers in tapestry with background of stripes and borders
I'm The Brother Of Lily Of The Valley
Henry Lewis, Anatol Friedland, and L. Wolfe Gilbert
Photograph of Henry Lewis with border; illustration of man in costume wearing crown
I'm the Fella Who Wrote Dardenella
I. Borovsky
Illustration of man wearing large hat and holding stick
I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes
A. P. Carter and Don Marcotte
Illustration of man and woman in circles with trees on each side of them
I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes
Don Marcotte
Illustrations of a man and a woman; Tree's in the background
I'm Tired of Everything But You
Isham Jones
Illustration of man and woman; Tree branches and leaves in background
I'm Trying So Hard To Forget You
Charles Kassell Harris
Woman in picture frame with red roses to her right
I must see Annie tonight
Cliff Friend
picture of a man talking to a woman over the phone ; inset photo of Guy Lombardo.
I'm waiting for ships that never come in
Abe Olman
: inset photo of Nancy Martin ; drawing of a man sitting on a dock by a dinghy.
I'm Waiting for To-morrow to Come
Franklyn Hawelka and Max Prival
Illustration of house with bright light shinning at front of home
I'm Walkin' On Air
Dan Dougherty
Photograph of Primrose Semon; Man in with cane and hat carrying box of roses with striped background
In 1933
Arthur Kassell
Illustration of a skyscraper and a photograph of a man in the lower right corner.
In a baby's hands
Ray Perkins
nighttime silhouette of a mother and father holding the hands of their baby / Hy-Art Studios.
In A Cafe' On The Road To Calais
Saul Klein
A man in a cafe beckons a woman holding a basket of flowers / Hap Hadley Studio.
In A Cosey Corner
John W. Bratton
Border around title with banner, shield, trident, and axe at top of frame
In After Years When I Am Old
Cleve M. Williams
Man and woman sitting together on hillside with background illustration of elderly man and woman sitting together
In A Garden Of Shadows And Tears
Arthur Manlowe
Silhouette of man with hand on chin looking at rose garden
In a kitchenette
Joseph A. Burke
inset photos of Winnie Lightner, Ann Pennington, Nick Lucas, Lilyan Tashman, Conway Tearle, and Nancy Welford ; drawing of a woman of the 1920s pulling on a rope attached to a very large money bag.
In a little gypsy tea room
Joseph A. Burke
A man and woman smile at each other while a gypsy woman tilts a teacup and watches a fish in an aquarium / Cliff Miska.
In A Little House That's Built For Two
Thurland Chattaway
A man and woman embraced and kissing as they are about to go inside a house
In a little second hand store
Harry Pease
A man looks at the window display of furniture in a second-hand store.
In a little Spanish town
Mabel Wayne
(copy 6): same as copy 1; inset cartoonish drawing of Paul Whiteman's face with his signature below.
In a little town across the border
Mabel Wayne
inset drawing of a woman ; inset photo of Paul Whiteman.
In An Auto Car
Harry O. Sutton
Illustration of a man and woman's silhouette in a car with a large moon behind them.
In an eighteenth century drawing room
Raymond Scott
drawing of a fan decorated with a man and woman in eighteenth century dress / IM-HO.
In An Old Dutch Garden
Wilhelm Grosz
A woman in Dutch costume sits among tulips, with a windmill in the background ; inset photo of Woody Herman (copy 1); inset photo of Tommy Tucker (copy 2).
In a wonderful world of our own
Joe Hearst
inset drawing of a cottage on a background of a flowering branch.
In Beauty-Land
H. Wakefield Smith
Portrait of Mabel Berra; Illustration of vase with trees, and castle on hill in frame of portrait
In Blinky, Winky, Chinky Chinatown
Jean Schwartz
Illustration of oriental woman sitting beneath curtain
In bluebird land
Albert E. Short
A bluebird perching on a tree stump and another perching on a tree limb.
In China
Otto Motzan
A Chinese man and woman standing back to back under flowering trees / Gustav Michelson.