Sheet Music Collection
The Templeton sheet music collection is part of a larger collection amassed by Charles Templeton, Sr. The collection contains over 22,000 pieces of sheet music representing all stages in the development of music reproduction. Digitization of the collection is part of an ongoing effort to provide broader access to titles. A large portion of these pieces are in the public domain (not copyrighted) and are available for download directly from the repository, some restricted titles are available upon request.
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Oh, You Bear Cat Rag
Frederick Watson
Illustration of bear with garland around him and photo of woman
Oh, You Candy Kid
Bob Adams and John Golden
Illustration of woman leaving candy shop; inset photo of Louise Dresser
Oh! You Circus Day
Edith Maida Lessing and James V. Monaco
Illustration of clown, circus woman, and tiger; inset photo of Billy Montgomery and Florence E. Moore
Oh! You Circus Day
Edith Maida Lessing and James V. Monaco
Illustration of clown and woman with tamed tiger; Photograph of Billy Montgomery and Florence E. Moore
Oh, You Crazy Moon'
Jimmy Van Heusen
Photograph of Helen Marie Briscoe; Illustrated silhouettes of buildings and smiling moon
Oh, you devil
Ford T. Dabney
photo of Aida Overton Walker holding a trident with the drawn shadow of a devil behind her / Starmer.
Oh! You Don't Know What You're Missin'
Albert Vete
Illustration of winding road with trees and river
Oh! You Georgia Rose
Johnnie Water and Bob Cole
Illustration of woman with hat and roses in background; Photograph of Lee white and Geo. Perry
Oh! You Little Bear
Billy Vanderveer
Illustration of woman in red hat with large red bow; Photograph of Billy Vanderveer; Photograph of Bobby Heath
Oh! You Lovable Chile
Egbert van Alstyne
Illustration of woman with hat; Flowers in crescent shape in background surrounded by artistic designs
Oh, You Lovely Ladies!
Sigmund Romberg
Illustration of woman in red dress dancing with three women playing instruments in background
Oh! You Million Dollar Doll
Abrahams Maurice
Illustration of woman; Photograph of Louis E Elliott in lower right corner
Oh! You Tease
Merritt W. Lund
Illustration of man and woman dancing; Photograph of Coy De Trickey in lower right corner
Oh you tigers
Anna M. De Varennes
four baseball players surrounding a tiger's head ; inset photo of the composer.
Oh! You Wonderful Child
Craig E. Lewis and Louis E. Zoeller
Photograph of Winnie Baldwin and woman; Illustration of flowers on right of photograph
Oh, You Wonderful Girls!
William B. Friedlander
Illustration of woman's head with four small women's heads in each corner
Old Betsy Goes Boing Boing Boing
Dan Dalton
Illustration of car with steam coming out in front of auto shop with two men pointing at it
Old Calico of Blue
Carroll Loveday
Woman standing by book with name of title; Illustration of bubbles with tree in largest bubble
Old crow rag
George Botsford
A crow, wearing slippers, a scarf, spectacles, and holding crutches / De Takacs.
Olden Golden Days
Bob Allan
Illustration of girl on pedestal with rod and crown with boy on ground wielding sword and straw hat in yard; Background of home, trees, and water well
Old Erin, The Shamrock And You
Edna Williams
Illustration of woman's face; Background of trees and lake; Word Shamrock spelled out on shamrocks
Old Faithful
Loveland Waltzes, Abe Holzmann, Uncle Sammy March, and Blaze Away March
Portrait of dog
Old Fashioned Lady
Al Lewis, Abner Silver, and Al Sherman
Illustration of older woman standing in garden with background of fence and brick home
Old homestead fox trot
William H. Penn
Woman riding on the back of a fox / De Takacs ; inset photo of Rosita Mantilla.
Old Kentucky Moonlight
Egbert van Alstyne
Illustration of cabin on river bank with yellow moon in background
Old Man Sunshine (Little Boy Bluebird)
Harry Warren
Illustration of man sitting in chair by window; Bluebird on branch and smiling sun shining on home outside window
Old New England Moon
Dave Vance and George Parkinson Howard
Photograph of Rudy Vallee; Illustration of home with trees and sun in background
Old Ohio Moon
Harry Robbin and Al Berman
Photograph of Gene and Glenn; Illustration of home and lawn with orange moon
Old Pal
Egbert van Alstyne
Photograph of Bernice De Pasquale; Illustration of flowers surrounding photograph
Old Pal, Remember Me (Sometime when the World don't roll your way'
Charles H. Roth
Illustration of man walking through mountains with sun in background
Old Time Favorites
Irving Berlin
Two birds facing each other on opposing sides of various title names
Old Virginia Moon
Jesse Crawford
Illustration of praire with trees, road, home, mountains, and moon in background
Old Witch, Old Witch'
Robert Mac Gimsey
Illustration of witch standing with her broom under tree with water well in background
Ole Faithful'
Hamilton Kennedy and Michael Carr
Photograph of Mary Small; Illustration of horse head, log cabin with woman at door, and mountains in background
Ole Miss Rag
William Christopher Handy
Illustration of train with steam coming out in Memphis on yellow background
On A Good Old Time Sleigh Ride
Albert Gumble
Picture of road covered in snow surrounded by trees and a home; Photograph of Belle Story
On A Good Old Time Straw Ride
George Christie
Ovular photograph of Maud Lambert and Ernest R. Ball; Illustration of family on wagon pulled by cattle; Background of trees and home
On A Good Old Trolley Ride
Pat Rooney
Illustration of trolley controlled by man with man and woman sitting on front bench; Illustration of stone wall, tree, and home surrounding trolley
On a Little Street in Singapore
Peter de Rose
Photograph from inside of building showing surrounding buildings
On A Moonlight Winters Night
W. C. Powell
Illustration of man and woman in sled near pond during winter; Illustration of trees and home surrounding pond; Small ovular photograph of woman
On an Automobile Honeymoon
Jean Schwartz
Illustration of man leaning to kiss woman riding in car driven by small man with wings, goggles and hat framed by hearts
On an Evening in Roma
S. Taccani
Photograph of Dean Martin; Illustration of globe and zodiac surrounded by stars
On An Island Surrounded By Girls
Arthur Lange
Photograph of Ray Fern, Illustration of women surrounding heart shape looking toward photograph of Ray Fern
On A Saturday Afternoon
Stores Mackeyes
Woman standing on pier with man helping her step into boat; Portrait of Jack Tomlinson
On a Simmery Summery Day
John Redmond, Frank Weldon, and James Cavanaugh
Photograph of Guy Lombardo; Illustration of woman sitting on hill reading book with barn in background
On a Slow Boat to China
Frank Loesser
Illustration of steam boat and smaller boat in water at night with stars in sky
Once in a Blue Moon
David Brockman, James Kendis, and Louis Weslyn
Man and woman sitting and holding hands on blue moon; Illustration of flowers and leaves around border of cover
Once in a While
Michael Edward
Photograph of Tommy Dorsey; Orange and purple squares and rectangles in background
Once Upon a Nickel
Buddy Kaye and Tony Starr
Illustration of musical notes and stars in striped background