Mississippi Political Collections (MPC) | Mississippi State University Research | Scholars Junction

Mississippi Political Collections

The Mississippi Political Collections (MPC) provides access to materials from national, state, and local lawmakers, politicians, activists, judges, and researchers. Our collections include correspondence, photographs, oral histories, memorabilia, and more. The collections in the MPC are mostly Mississippi-focused, however several of the collections examine national and international incidents and historical topics. Founded in 1999, the MPC continues to collect relevant materials relating to the political history of Mississippi and the United States.

The MPC digital collections are selected digitized materials from their corresponding physical collections. For more information, please contact MPC faculty and staff for an appointment to conduct research in the collections.


Browse the Mississippi Political Collections:

David Bowen Digital Collections

G. V. "Sonny" Montgomery Digital Collections

John C. Stennis Digital Collections

John Marshall Stone Correspondence Collection