"$100,000 Reward! The Murderer of Our Late Beloved President, Abraham L"





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The object is a matted and framed broadside advertising a reward for the capture of the Abraham Lincoln assassination conspirators; It also has bordered spaces at top for mounting the photographs of John H. Surratt, John Wilkes Booth, and David E. Herold; The photos are not present


SURRAT. BOOTH, HAROLD. War Department, Washington, April 20,1865 Of our late beloved President, Abraham Lincoln, IS STILL AT LARGE. $50,000 REWARD Will be paid by this Department for his apprehension, in addition to any reward offered by Municipal Authorities or State Executives. $25,000 REWARD Will be paid for the apprehension of JOHN H. SURRAT, one of Booth's Accomplices. $25,000 REWARD Will be paid for the apprehension of David C. Harold, another of Booth's accomplices. LIBERAL REWARDS will be paid for any informatl a that shall conduce to the arrest in either of the above- named criminals, or their accomplices. All persons harboring or secreting the said persons, or either of them, or aiding or assisting their concealment or escape, will be treated as accomplices in the murder of the President and the attempted assassination of the Secretary of State, and shall be subject to trial before a Military Commission and the punishment of DEATH. Let the stain of innocent blood be removed from the land by the arrest and punishment of the murderers. PT All good citizens are exhorted to aid public justice on this occasion. Every man should consider his own conscience charged with this solemn duty, and rest neither night nor day until it be accomplished. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. DESCRIPTIONS.—BOOTH is Five Feet 7 or 8 inches high, slender build, high forehead, black hair, black eyes, and wore a heavy black moustache, which there is some reason to believe has been shaved off. JOHN H. SURRAT is about 5 feet, 9 inches. Hair rather thin and dark; eyes rather light; no beard. Would weigh 145 or 150 pounds. Complexion rather pale and clear, with color in his cheeks. Wore light clothes of fine quality. Shoulders square: cheek bones rather prominent; chin narrow: ears projecting at the top: forehead rather low and square, but broad. Parts his hair on the right side; neck rather long. His lips are firmly set. A slim man. DAVID C. HAROLD is five feet six inches high, hair dark, eyes dark, eyebrows rather heavy, full face, nose short, hand short and fleshy, feet small, instep high, round bodied, naturally quick and active, slightly closes his eyes when looking at a person. NOTICE.—In addition to the above, State and other authorities have offered rewards amounting to almost one hundred thousand dollars, making an aggregate of about TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS.


Justice Frank J. and Virginia Williams






23 X 12 1/4 inches (sight)

Materials and Techniques Display

ink on paper


SURRAT. BOOTH. HAROLD. / War Department, Washington, April 20, 1865. / $100,000 REWARD! / THE MURDERER / Of our late beloved President , Abraham Lincoln, / IS STILL AT LARGE. / $50,000 REWARD / Will be paid by this Department for his apprehension, in addition to any reward offered by / Municipal Authorities or State Executives. / $25,000 REWARD / Will be paid for the apprehension of JOHN H. SURRANT, one of Booth's Accomplices. / $25,000 REWARD / Will be paid for the apprehension of David C. Harold, another of Booth's accomplices. / [Additional text follows]


Awards--1860-1870; Booth, John Wilkes,--1838-1865 ; Herold, David E.,--1844-1865; Lincoln, Abraham,--1809-1865--Assassination--Washington (D.C.); Surratt, John H.--(John Harrison),--1844-1916

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Current Location

Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana (Mississippi State, Mississippi, United States)


Mississippi State University Libraries.

Digital Publisher

Mississippi State University Libraries (electronic version).

Contact Information

For more information about the contents of this collection, email sp_coll@library.msstate.edu.

$100,000 Reward! The Murderer of Our Late Beloved President, Abraham Lincoln, Is Still at Large
