"Dr. Bicknell's Syrup Abraham Lincoln Advertisement"




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The CDV is a photograph of a lithograph or engraving featuring a bust portrait of Abraham Lincoln. The print was made from a portrait photograph taken by Anthony Berger on 9 February 1864. The embossed card contains an advertisement for Dr. Bicknell's Syrup. [Variant of O-91.]

Description Source

Hamilton, Charles and Lloyd Ostendorf, eds. Lincoln in Photographs: An Album of Every Known Pose. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma, 1963; Page: 178.


Justice Frank J. and Virginia Williams

Approximate Creation Date



4 X 2 1/2 inches

Materials and Techniques Display

albumen process


recto, above print: DR. BICKNELL'S SYRUP / Is really a genuine article. All Physicians, Druggists / and others who taste it, pronounce it such. It has / been used man years an tested by thousands, and / found equal to all that is claimed for it. Its ingredi- / ents are simple, safe and efficient, and produce no / stupefying effects, however large the dose. It cures recto, to the left of print: Dysentery, / Diarrhea, / Cholera, / Cholera / Morbus recto, to the right of print: Pain or Cramp / in Stomach / or Bowels, / Sick or Sour / Stomach. recto, below print: IS PURELY / VEGETABLE / AND CONTAINS / NO OPIATES / Highly Aromatic, very pleasant to the taste, and war- / ranted to cure CHOLERA. In 1854 it was used for / this with perfect success. TRY IT. / 4 oz. Bottles, 75 Cts. 2 oz. 40 Cts. / PREPARED ONLY BY / EDWARD SUTTON, Providence, R. I. / SOLD BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY.


Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865

Work Type

albumen prints ; cartes-de-visite (card photographs)




Copyright protected by Mississippi State University Libraries. Use of materials from this collection beyond the exceptions provided for in the Fair Use and Educational Use clauses of the U.S. Copyright Law may violate federal law. Permission to publish or reproduce is required.



Digital ID


Current Location

Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana (Mississippi State, Mississippi, United States)


Mississippi State University Libraries.

Digital Publisher

Mississippi State University Libraries (electronic version).

Contact Information

For more information about the contents of this collection, email sp_coll@library.msstate.edu.

Dr. Bicknell's Syrup Abraham Lincoln Advertisement



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