"Proclamation by Kentucky Governor Thomas E. Bramlette and Others" by Thomas Elliott Bramlette, E. B. Harlan et al.



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The broadside features information regarding the Kentucky elections and allegiance to the U.S. during the American Civil War. It is printed on cream paper and with black ink. It has some tears at its edges and water damage at its top and bottom.


Commonwealth of Kentucky, Executive Department, Frankfort, Ky., July 19, 1865. To the Officers of Elections : The purity of the elective franchise can only be preserved by a faithful enforcement of the laws governing the same. For their enforcement the officers will be held responsible. Every free white male citizen, 21 years of age, who has resided in Kentucky two years, and whose residence has been in the district where lie offers to vote for 60 days next preceding the election; and each white male citizen who, not having two years residence in th« State, but has resided one year in the county, and sixty days in the precinct where he offers to vote, next preceding the election, is entitkd to vote; providing he has not expatriated himself and lost the elective franchise by coming within the provisions of the following act: CHAPTER 509. An Act to amend chapter 15 of the Revised Statutes, entitled "Citizens, Expatriation, and Aliens." Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, That any citizen of this State who shall enter into the ..service of the so-called Confederate States, in either a civil or military capacity, or into the service of the so-called Provisional Government of Kentucky, in either a civil or military capacity, or having heretofore entered such service of either the Confederate States or Provisional" Government, shall continue in such service after this act takes effect, or shall take up or continue in arms against the military forces of the United States or State of Kentucky, or shall give voluntary aid or assistance to those in arms against said forces, shall be deemed to have ex-patriated himself, and shall no longer be a citizen of Kentucky; nor shall he again bo a citizen, except by permission of the Legislature, by a general or special statute. Sec. 2. That whenever a person attempts, or is called on, to exercise any of the constitutional or legal rights and privileges belonging only to citizens of Kentucky, he may ba required to negative, on oath, the expatriation provided in the first section of this act; and upon his failure or refusal to do so, shall not be permitted to exercise any such right or privilege. Sec. 3. This act to bo in force in thirty days from and after its passage. All persons challenged as coming within the provisions of this law should be required to take the following oath, prescribed by my preda cessor, and which is in conformity with the law; OATH. "You do solemnly swear that you have not, since the 10th day of April. 1862, been in the service of the so-called 'Confederate States,' or in the 'Provisional Government of Kentucky, in either a civil or military capacity, and that you have not given, directly or indirectly, volunteer till and assistance to those in amis against the Government of the United States or the State- of Kentucky, or those who were intending to join the armed forces of the so-called "Confederate States", and you will bear true and feithful allegiance to said Goverments of the United States and State of Kentucky, so help you GOD." Absence from the place of residence in the service of the country, or from any other cause, where no intention existed to change the residence, will not exclude from voting, if present at the election precinct where his residence is on the day of election. Absence without any purpose of changing the residence, keeps the residence of such person in his voting precinct. Loyal men throughout the State are requested to report to the Governor any disregard of the expatriation law, either upon the part of officers.or citizens; giving the names of the offenders—that they may be proceeded against fcr such violation. The officer who shall fail to discharge his duty, as prescribed by law, or the citizen who, not being entitled to vote, shall do so in violation of law, should be promptly reported, that the proper steps may be taken for his punishment. These plain words are spoken, that none may act upon the supposition that they will be permitted, with impunity, to disregard the laws made to guard and protect the purity of the elective franchise or override the lawfully-established sovereignty of the people. The military authorities will assist the civil officers in the enforcement of these instructions, if any attempt be made to violate them, upon application to the officer nearest in command. THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, Governor. Headquarters Department op Kentucky, } Louisville, Ky., July 26, 1865. j The near approach of an important election, to be held in all the counties of the State and Military Department of Kentucky, renders it proper, in the Judgement of the General commanding, to requiro all officers commanding troops to give to the officers of the State, charged by law with the duty of conducting elections, and to tin; legal voters of the State, the most complete protection. Martial law prevails in the Department of Kentucky, and certain classes of persons are especially under military surveillance and control; these are: 1st All rebel soldiers, whether paroled or not, and without regard to the fact, that they have or have, not taken any of the oaths prescribed by law or executive or military orders, or have registered under orders from the Headquarters of the Department of Kentucky. 2d. All guerrillas and others who, without belonging to regular rebel military organizations, have taken up arms against the Government, or have in any way operated against the Government or people of Kentucky, or any other State or Territory. 3d. All persons who" by act or word, directly or indirectly, gave aid, comfort, or encouragement to persons in rebellion. This applies to all persons who have voluntarily acted as scouts or spies for rebel or guerrilla forces; who have voluntarily furnished any rebel force or person with information, food, clothing, horses, arms, or money, or have harbored, concealed, or otherwise aided or encouraged them. 4th. All deserters from the military or naval service of the United States who did not return to said service or report themselves to some Provost Marshal within the sixty days limited in the proclamation of the President of the United States, dated the 11th day of March, 1865 ; itnd all persons who deserted from the military or naval service of the United States after the 3d day of March, 1865, and all persons duly enrolled who departed the jurisdiction of the District in which they were enrolled, or went beyond the limits of the United States to avoid any draft. All persons who where, or have been, directly or indirectly engaged in the civil service of the so-called Confederate Government, or of the so-called Provisional Government of Kentucky, or who have in any way, voluntarily submitted to either of said pretended Governments- all agents of, or contractors with or for either of said pretended Governments—all such persons are disqualified from voting by the laws of the #tate of Kentucky, and the act of Congress of March 3, 1865. All persons of the classes aforesaid, are required to abstain from all interference with elections, and will, if they shall in any manner interfere therein, by voting, or attempting to vote, or by persuading any other person to vote, or by appearing at the polls, be at once arrested and held for military trial. Aid will be given to the civil authorities to enforce the laws and to preserve the peace. Any person who shall counsel, advise, or encourage any judge of any election, or any other person, to disregard or disobey the law, as dclared in the proclamation of the Governor of the State, will be at once arrested The peace of the country can be cecured only by obedience to the laws. By command of Major-General John M. Palmer: E. B. HARLAN, Captain and A. A. G, Official-BEN. W. SULLIVAN, Lieut, and Acting A. A, Q.


Justice Frank J. and Virginia Williams





Approximate Creation Date

19 July through 26 July 1865


12 3/4 X 9 1/4 inches

Materials and Techniques Display

ink on paper


recto, at top: PROCLAMATION. recto, at top of first section: COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, / FRANKFORT, KY., JULY 19, 1865. / To the Officers of Elections: / [Text of proclamation follows.] / THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, GOVERNOR. recto, at top of second section: HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF KENTUCKY, / LOUISVILLE, KY., JULY 26, 1865. / [Text of proclamation follows.] / E.B. HARLAN, Captain and A.A.G. / Official - BEN. W. SULLIVAN, Lieut. and Acting A.A.G.

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Current Location

Frank and Virginia Williams Collection of Lincolniana (Mississippi State, Mississippi, United States)


Mississippi State University Libraries.

Digital Publisher

Mississippi State University Libraries (electronic version).

Contact Information

For more information about the contents of this collection, email sp_coll@library.msstate.edu.

Proclamation by Kentucky Governor Thomas E. Bramlette and Others



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