Honors Theses


College of Arts and Sciences


Department of History


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)



Document Type

Honors Thesis


Modern economic scholarship does not take into consideration institutional examinations of legal power, which affected the three estates: nobility, clergy, and the commons. Additionally, scholars have not studied a correlation between the concessionary charters the king signed after 1297 and the power the commons held at the conclusion of the 'Crisis.' Therefore, this paper's intervention combines both the modern economic and traditional institutional approaches to historical scholarship in an attempt to showcase the means by which Edward I exercised royal power during the 1290s and the consequential effect of this power on the English economy. The purpose of this cross-examination is to determine the extent of the legal authority the commonality possessed, the use and scope of royal prerogative, and the power wielded by the 'community of the realm'; the concessionary charters of De tallagio non concedendo and Confirmatio cartarum illustrate the results of this examination.

Publication Date


First Advisor

Snyder, Christopher A.

Second Advisor

Hay, William Anthony

Third Advisor

Johnson, Holly
