Honors Theses
College of Architecture, Art and Design
College of Architecture, Art, and Design
School of Architecture
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Document Type
Honors Thesis
The focus of this project is to resolve several lacking aspects that currently plague the city of Jackson. First and foremost, the city needs more affordable housing so that life and cash flow are infused back into the city. Secondly, downtown Jackson is a food desert. Current residents must travel miles in order to acquire basic necessities because there are no in-city grocers. And lastly, the lack of inner-city residents has made the current public transit system an underutilized financial burden. Through the creation of inclusionary housing units and an accessible grocery market, sited in close proximity to Jackson’s Union Station, this designed edifice addresses all three stated issues. Furthermore, this project aspires to be more than a direct and simple response to these problems. Rather, it inspires a higher standard of living for those previously priced out of such areas. The goal of every capstone project is to better the urban fabric and promote gentrification, but often time, this leaves those who carried the workload of revitalization unable to afford the amenities of their own city. The hope is that by investing in inclusionary housing programs and integrating the formation of community with the architecture of the building, this space may blur the segregational lines of age and income and promote the accessibility of opportunity to all of its occupants.
Date Defended
Thesis Director
Callender, Jassen
Second Committee Member
Vaughn, Mark
Third Committee Member
Dunn, George
Recommended Citation
Hoing, Sarah, "Transit-Oriented Inclusionary Mixed-Use Development" (2021). Honors Theses. 129.