Honors Theses


James Worth Bagley College of Engineering


James Worth Bagley College of Engineering


Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Bachelor of Science


Computer Engineering

Document Type

Honors Thesis


As electronic displays and televisions reach near-perfection, the limit of two dimensions has become more evident. Since conventional display technology will soon stale, it is imperative to find new ways of displaying images. This study uses the persistence of vision as the launching point for an original volumetric display technology, fooling the human eye into seeing a volumetric image. Using a rotating helical apparatus and an array of projecting laser diodes, a successful prototype was produced which is capable of displaying a true volumetric image. Based on the success of this primitive experimental prototype, this technology is ready for expansion and improvement. To fully realize this technology, refresh rates of light-emitting laser diodes must be improved upon and new light-reflective materials should be researched for application on the helical apparatus. Additionally, with the relative simplicity of this design, manufacturing and materials will be quite affordable, making this a viable consumer product.

Publication Date


First Advisor

Tang, Bo

Second Advisor

Fowler, James

Third Advisor

Oppenheimer, Seth
