Historic Natchez Foundation
Sarah Banks
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Inventory of the personal property of Mrs.Sarah Banks, deceased, including two enslaved persons, whose names were not recorded.
Page 1 The personal property of the estate of Mrs. Sarah Banks deceased appraisal by the Subscribers 9 Plates $1.50 2 Bedsteads $4.00 5 Chairs $5.00 2 Tables $4.00 1 pr of andirons $4.00 A Chest of Drawers $30.00 Cups & Saucers $2.62/2 Sugar dish and small plate $? Clear jug & decanter $75? Knives & forks Salt cellars and looking? glass $1.50 Six large silver spoons $14.25 7 small do $5.00 1 Silver Soup Ladle $12.00 1 Parasole $.50 3 tumblers $.75 2 Candlesticks $2.00 Cups & Saucers $.50 2 Feather Beds, 4 Pillows, 1 Bolster 2 Mattrass $40.00 1 small chest of Drawers $4.00 3 Common Chairs $1.50 4 Plough lines $1.50 Plantation Tools $6.00 Household Furniture $10.00 3000 lb of Seed Cotton $84.00 200 Bushels of corn $75.00 $311.00 26 head of Cattle $169.00 100 head of Hogs $100.00 4 fodder Stacks $16.00 2 Negroes $800.00 3 Oxen $75.00 15 Sheep $52.50 1 pr of iron wedges $2.00 1 Common Chair $.50 1 churn & 2 buckets $2.00 1 Cross-Cut saw $4.00 1 Drawing Knife $.50 2 Hoes $1.50 1 grindstone $3.00 1 Pot & Dutch Oven $3.00 1 Chopping Axe $2.50 1 Log Chain $2.50 3 ploughs & one ring & staple & 3 yokes $20.00 1 Ox Cart $20.00 $1274,,.. 311 $1585.00 Lewis Evans J B Taylor Job Routh Before me Sam’l Brooks Esq- a Justice Of the Quorum Personally appeared Lewis Bingaman administrator of all and singular the Goods and Chattels of Sarah Banks dec’d who being duty sworn according to law did depose and lay that the within writing contains a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods and Chattels of the said deceased as far as have come to his knowledge or possession, (except some wild stock running at large). Jany 12th 1811, Sworn and subscribed to Lewis Bingaman Before Brooks JIQ [Written as a note vertically toward the bottom left of the page] Orphan? Court Filed APL term 1811 [Written as a note vertically toward the bottom right of the page] 88 Apl term 1811 Inv of Sarah Banks Estate reed page 175. A
Approximate Creation Date
Time Period
Slaveholders ; Slavery -- Mississippi ; Slavery -- Mississippi -- History -- Sources ; Slaveholders
slavery; enslaved persons; Mississippi; estate files; probate files; Adams County; Sarah Banks; Estate Inventory
African American Studies | Cultural History | United States History
Geographic Location
Adams County (Miss.)
Object Type
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Digital Format
Physical ID
Sarah Banks Estate File, Box 6, Probate and Estate Files Collection, Historic Natchez Foundation, Mississippi
Digital ID
HNF_Box6_BanksSarah_01121811_b_1_u and HNF_Box6_BanksSarah_01121811_b_2_u
Sarah Banks Estate File, Box 6, Probate and Estate Files Collection, Historic Natchez Foundation, Mississippi
Historic Natchez Foundation
Historic Natchez Foundation
Digital Publisher
Mississippi State University Libraries
Copyright protected by Historic Natchez Foundation. Use of materials from this collection beyond the exceptions provided for in the Fair Use and Educational Use clauses of the U.S. Copyright Law may violate federal law. Permission to publish or reproduce is required.
Recommended Citation
Inventory of personal property, Sarah Banks Probate File, Box 6, Adams County Probate Records, Historic Natchez Foundation
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African American Studies Commons, Cultural History Commons, United States History Commons