Historic Natchez Foundation
Gabriel Benoist
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Inventory of the property of Robert Benoist, heir of Gabriel Benoist, including 12 enslaved unnamed enslaved persons valued at 4500
Note: arpens are a French unit of measurement equivalent to 190 feet or 58 meters. A true and perfect inventory of all the property of Robert Benoist one of the heirs of Gabriel Benoist deceased made by Joseph Dunbar guardian to said Robert Benoist. April 3d 1810 viz. 1075 Arpens Of Land lying on Fairchilds Creek, a part of which is in dispute valued at $5} $5375 500 arpens on the North fork of Gods Creek} 2500 12 Slaves valued at 4500 Stock of horned Cattle (50 head) 250 Ditto Hogs - - 40 - - 40 Ditto Sheep - - 25 - - 75 Ditto Horses - - 8 - - 240 Balance due by E. Benoist on division of the Estate payable in Cotton @ 12 ½? Cr?} 42 Ditto by Wm. B. Shields at same _ 242 $13,264 I Joseph Dunbar Guardian of Robert Benoist do solemnly swear that the above writing contains a true and perfect inventory of all the property and effects of the said Robert Benoist as far as has come to my knowledge or possession or to the possession of any other person or persons for his use Sworn and subscribed to Before H Brooks. J.D. Jo. Dunbar Guardian Page 2 Rob.t Benoist Esq. Inventory filed 3rd Month? 1810 Recorded Page 131 Book A. C.A.A.
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Slaveholders ; Slavery -- Mississippi ; Slavery -- Mississippi -- History -- Sources ; Slaveholders
slavery; enslaved persons; Mississippi; estate files; probate files; Adams County; Gabriel Benoist; Robert Benoist; Estate inventory
African American Studies | Cultural History | United States History
Geographic Location
Adams County (Miss.)
Object Type
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Physical ID
Gabriel Benoist and Robert Benoist, a minor, Estate File, Box 6, Probate and Estate Files Collection, Historic Natchez Foundation, Mississippi
Digital ID
HNF_Box6_BenoistGabrielandRobert(minor)_04031810_b_1_u_ and HNF_Box6_BenoistGabrielandRobert(minor)_04031810_b_2_u
Gabriel Benoist and Robert Benoist, a minor, Estate File, Box 6, Probate and Estate Files Collection, Historic Natchez Foundation, Mississippi
Historic Natchez Foundation
Historic Natchez Foundation
Digital Publisher
Mississippi State University Libraries
Copyright protected by Historic Natchez Foundation. Use of materials from this collection beyond the exceptions provided for in the Fair Use and Educational Use clauses of the U.S. Copyright Law may violate federal law. Permission to publish or reproduce is required.
Recommended Citation
Original envelope, Gabriel Benoist and Robert Benoist (minor) Probate File, Box 6, Adams County Probate Records, Historic Natchez Foundation
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African American Studies Commons, Cultural History Commons, United States History Commons