"Mississippi State University Libraries Academic Promotion and Tenure P" by Mississippi State University Libraries Promotion and Tenure Committee

Policies and Procedures


Recruitment and retention of faculty to carry out Mississippi State University's (hereafter referred to as the University) mission rest on known, consistent standards that reward superior performance and that provide incentives for all faculty members to reach higher performance levels. Therefore, the establishment of standards and policies governing tenure, promotion and annual performance reviews is imperative. All faculty members will have the opportunity to participate in both the establishment and revision of tenure and promotion criteria, policies and procedures. The promotion and tenure documents will be made available to all current and prospective faculty members. The policies and procedures set forth in this document apply only to library faculty. The objective of this document is to state criteria and procedures for appointment, promotion in academic rank, and tenure consistent with the goals and resources of the University.


Mississippi State University Libraries

Publication Date



University Libraries


promotion, tenure



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