Lois P. Dowdle Cobb Papers
The collection documents the life and career of Lois Pauline Dowdle (1889-1987), the wife of agricultural leader and publisher Cully A. Cobb.
Report of the Home Economics Department
Lois D. Cobb
Report by Lois Dowdle Cobb, director of the American Institute of Home Grown Fats and Oils, about her activities promoting the use of margarine in 1934-1935.
The Smith-Kleberg Bill
American Institute of Home Grown Fats and Oils
Pamphlet about the Smith-Kleberg Bill (S. 3203 and H. R. 8050), published by the American Institute of Home Grown Fats and Oils. The purpose of the bill was to promote the use of margarine and remove some of the restrictions and tariffs on the product.
The wholesomeness and food value of margarine
Lois D. Cobb
Pamphlet promoting margarine as a good food source.
Program for the 34th Convention of the Association of Southern Agricultural Workers
Association of Southern Agricultural Workers
Program for the 34th annual convention of the Association of Southern Agricultural Workers, held at the Roosevelt hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana from February 1-3, 1933.
Good living our goal, 1933 address
Lois D. Cobb
Good Living Our Goal,' address of Lois P. Dowdle, President of Association of Southern Agricultural Workers, February 1, 1933, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Woman of power, 1925 address
Lois D. Cobb
The Woman of Power,' commencement address by Lois P. Dowdle for alumni, faculty, and students at the Georgia State College of Agriculture, University of Georgia, Athens (Ga.). Fragment; final page(s) missing.