Letter, Martha Magruder (Hopkins) to H. A. Magruder; 9/30/1862
Martha Magruder
Letter from Martha Magruder (later Martha Magruder Hopkins) to her brother, Henry Archibald Magruder, inquiring about his health and the health of his regiment (the 18th Mississippi Infantry) and reporting news about family and friends, 1862. Letter is most likely written from Sharon, Madison County, Mississippi.
Letter, Josephine Magruder to H. A. Magruder; 9/27/1861
Josephine Magruder
Letter from Josephine Magruder in Sharon, Mississippi, to her brother, Henry Archibald Magruder. She mentions that a Mr. Clark is leaving with supplies for the Confederate and Camden Rifles (Companies C and G of the 18th Mississippi Infantry, respectively). She also mentions that she made her brother a sentinel cap and asks if he has done any marching. She tells him that Cam Leflore is trying to recruit Indians to the army. The letter contains other news about family, friends, and slaves. 1861.