J. Allison Hardy Papers
The J. Allison Hardy Papers digital collection is a collection of selected digitized materials from the J. Allison Hardy Papers collection. This digital collection contains a news article about the platform and principles of the American Party of the United States in 1855.
Platform and Principles of the American Party, of the U. States, 1855
Broadside, Platform and Principles of the American Party of the U. States, Adopted in Convention at Philadelphia, June, 1855. Platform outlines fourteen planks of the American Party, formerly the Know-Nothing Party, including religion, patriotism, maintenance of the Union, obedience to the Constitution, revision of the immigration laws, modification of the naturalization laws, political reform, anti-Catholicism, legislative reform, restriction of executive patronage, free schools which unrestricted teaching of Christianity, maintenance of slavery laws, restraint in foreign relations and openness of the principles of the Party. Includes the American Party ticket for Mississippi offices: Chas.(Charles) D. Fontaine of Pontotoc for Governor; Fleming L. Swann of Hinds for Auditor of Public Accounts; R.S. Stith of Marshall for Treasurer; A. G. Horne of Clarke for Secretary of State, and Jno. (John) C. Carpenter of Hinds for Clerk, Superior Court of Chancery. Ad for Banner Job-Office Printing Service, Cash, McDowell & Kimbrough, Proprietors.