Air Mail Envelope Addressed to Pvt. Kelvie Jennings in San Diego, California from Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi, August 27,
This air mail envelope addressed to Pvt. Kelvie Jennings in San Diego, California from Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi bears a red three cent air mail postage stamp in the upper right.
Letter, John to Jewel Jennings, September 1, 1942
This handwritten letter, dated September 1, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings from a man named John. The letter discusses his thoughts on Kelvie Jennings's enlistment, John's own experience in the service, and his thoughts on the war. No envelope is included with the letter.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, August 3, 1942
This handwritten letter, dated August 3, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi from her husband, Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses his letters to friends and family, how he feels about the training camp, his hopes on where they will be stationed, and thoughts on their personal affairs. The letter is written on Marine Corps stationary with a Simper Fidelis logo in the top center. The envelope bears a red six cent air mail postage stamp in the upper right corner and a postmark for San Diego, California, August 3, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, September 3, 1942
This handwritten letter, dated September 3, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi, from her husband, Kelvie Jennings, at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses news of his new position in the payroll office, prospects for how to handle their personal affairs in Jackson, and his interactions with others on base. The letter is written on Marine Corps stationary with the image of uniformed men carrying rifles and the United States flag in the top center. The envelope bears a red six cent air mail postage stamp in the upper right and a postmark for San Diego, California Marine Corps.
Letter, Miriam, to Kelvie Jennings, July 21, 1942
This handwritten letter, dated July 21, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine training camp in San Diego, California from a family member named Miriam, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses their daily routines while Kelvie is away and how Jewel is handling his absence. Two purple 3 cent postage stamps are placed in the upper right of the envelope and it is postmarked Jackson, Mississippi, July 21, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses Jewel's preparations to move to be with him in San Diego. An envelope is not included in the letter.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This undated typed letter is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses news from home, her desire to be with him, a friend who is stationed overseas, and asks advice on their personal affairs. No envelope is included.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses another Marine's experience being station in Pensacola and Jewel's activities with their friends. The letter isn't dated but ""late August 1942"" is handwritten in pencil at the top. No envelope is included.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses their car and the care of their dog.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, August 11, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter, dated August 11, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter describes how much she misses him and hopes to be reunited with him again soon. The letter goes on to discuss news from their family and friends and some of what she is doing in his absence. A letter from an insurance company, dated August 8, 1942, is included with the correspondence. The insurance letter advises Jewel on how her husband can handle his insurance premiums. The envelope bears two purple three cent postage stamps and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, August 11, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, August 15, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter, dated August 15, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses their finances, her thoughts on what they should do with their possessions once they are stationed somewhere, and other personal affairs. The envelope bears a read six cent air mail postage stamp and is postmarked Jackson, Mississippi, August 15, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, August 16, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated August 16, 1942, is written to Kelvie James at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses news from their community, Jewel's daily routines, and her interactions with their friends and family. The letter goes on to discuss a friend who was recently sent to the Air Corps in St. Petersburg, Florida. Two newspaper clippings are included with the letter. One of the clippings' headline reads ""Mize Denies FPC Right to Call Men to Washington"" and the second clipping headline reads ""To Greenville"" and discusses the new manager at Mississippi Power and Light Company. The envelope bears a red six cent air mail postage stamp and a postmark for Jackson Mississippi, August 16, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings, to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, August 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed, undated letter, is to Kelvie Jennings in a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses Jewel practicing driving, the possibility of selling their car, and her hope that she can be with him as soon as he is stationed somewhere. The letter speaks of a friend's despondency at her own husband having been shipped off to the war. The envelope bears two purple three cent postage stamps in the upper right and the date of the Jackson, Mississippi postmark is partially illegible, leaving only ""August 1942"" visible.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, August 20, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter, dated August 20, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses personal affairs and news of their family. The letter is typed on Western Union Telegraph Company stationary. The air mail envelope bears three two cent postage stamps placed sideways in the upper right and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, August 20, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, August 25, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated August 25, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses how happy Jewel is that Kelvie passed his sharp shooter test, how anxious she is to be with him, and some personal affairs. The envelope bears two purple three cent postage stamps placed sideways in the upper right corner and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, August, 25, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, August 26, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter, dated August 26, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California, from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses her personal activities, her experience voting in the Senate run-off, their personal affairs, and speculation on Kelvie's training compared to others she knows and who in their community might be called up next. The letter is typed on Western Union Telegraph Company letterhead. The envelope bears three red two cent postage stamps and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, August 26, 1942 three times, only one of which is clear. Handwritten notes are written on the back of the envelope.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, August 29, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter, dated August 29, 1942 is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses her activities, her work, and some of their personal affairs. The letter is typed on Wester Union Telegraph Company stationary. The envelope is a Western Union Telegraph Company envelope and bears a red six cent air mail postage stamp and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, August 29, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, August 30, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated August 30, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses her time spent with their friends and family, the wire she'd received from him that morning, and news of their friends. The envelope bears a red six cent air mail postage stamp in the upper right corner and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, August 30, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, July 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten and undated letter to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine training camp in San Diego from his wife, Jewel in Jackson, Mississippi discusses his departure and how she is handling their personal affairs in his absence. The letter goes on to describe her mother's worry over the war and the men in their family being called to it.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, July 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The undated letter discusses Kelvie's trip across the country, how Jewel is handling his absence, and how supportive her friends and coworkers have been. The letter goes on to encourage Kelvie not to worry about her, her desire to be with him again soon, and how she is handling their personal affairs in his absence. No envelope is included with the letter.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, July 21, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated July 21, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses Jewel's work, news of their friends, and her experience practicing driving. The letter goes on to express encouragement to her husband in his time away for training and expresses how much she misses him.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, July 25, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter, dated July 25, 1942, to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi, discusses her activities with their family and friends and passes on some advice from a friend in the military as to what Kelvie should work towards. The letter goes on to discuss some personal affairs and encourages him that they will be together again soon. A small portion of the letter is handwritten along the bottom of the page. The envelope bears two purple three cent stamps and is postmarked Jackson, Mississippi, July 25, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, July 28, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter is written, dated July 21, 1942, to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi discusses what she's been doing since he's been gone, her interactions with her friends and family, and speculation on where he might get stationed after training. The letter goes on to encourage him in his training. The envelope includes an air mail stamp in the upper right corner and is postmarked Jackson, Mississippi, July 21, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, July 31, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter, dated July 31, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine training camp in San Diego from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses her handling of their personal affairs and her desire to know where he will be stationed after training. The letter is typed on Western Union letterhead with a Western Union envelope. Three red two cent postage stamps are placed sideways in the upper right of the envelope and there are three postmarks for Jackson, Mississippi, July 31, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 06, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 6, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California to his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses personal affairs, her desire to hurry and be with him soon, and news from a friend who's husband has enlisted to avoid being drafted. A newspaper clipping about a Navy mechanist from Jackson, Mississippi. The envelope bears two three cent stamps in the upper right and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, September 6, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 10, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 10, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses details of how she is handling their personal affairs in preparation to move to San Diego, her job, and news from their friends. The letter includes newspaper clippings of the adds Jewel placed in the newspaper concerning their car. The envelope bears two three cent postage stamps and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, September 10, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 11, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 11, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses her plans for handling their personal affairs before she leaves for San Diego and reassures him that everything will come out all right for them in the move. The letter goes on to inform him of some news of a friend. A ripped piece of paper containing an address is included with the letter. The envelope bears two three cent postage stamps and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, September 11, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 1, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 1, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses their personal affairs and family matters, her thoughts on their current situation in his enlistment versus others having been drafted, and her desire to be with him. The envelope bears a red three cent air mail postage stamp and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, September 1, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 12, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 12, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses everything Jewel is doing to prepare to move to San Diego and how much she misses Kelvie. The envelope bears two purple three cent postage stamp and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, September 12, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 14, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 14, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses her frustration with her job and some personal affairs. The envelope bears three two cent postage stamps in the upper right and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, September 14, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 16, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 16, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses some of their personal affairs in preparation for Jewel to move. The letter goes on to describe the experience of a friend in the army in having been discharged, news of their friends, and the election in Jackson. The envelope bears three two cent postage stamps and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, September 16, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 19, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 19, 1942, is written to Kelvie Johnson in a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses her prospects for disposing of their car, news of their friends, and her preparations to move to be with him.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings , September 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses what Jewel has been doing and news of their friends. No envelope is included with the letter.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter describes how she is handling their personal affairs and discusses news of their friends.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 22, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 22, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses the sale of their car, her travel plans, and other personal matters concerning her upcoming move to San Diego. The envelope bears three red two cent postage stamps in the upper right and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, September 22, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 24, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This partially typed, partially handwritten letter, dated September 24, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses Jewel's plans leading up to her move to San Diego. The letter is typed/written on a Western Union Press Message stationary. The envelope bears two three cent postage stamps and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, September 24, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 5, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 5, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corpse training camp in San Diego, California from his wife, Jewel Jennings, in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses her preparations to secure a job in San Diego, what she plans to do with their furniture and other possessions, and other preparations for her move to be with him. The letter goes on to discuss friends who are serving in the war and news of what she and their family have been doing. The closing page appears to be missing from the letter. The envelope bears two purple three cent stamps and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, September 5, 1942.
Letter, Jewel Jennings to Her Husband, Kelvie Jennings, September 7, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter, dated September 7, 1942, is written to Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp from his wife, Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi. The letter discusses her plans for her upcoming move and news of their family and friends. The envelope bears two three cent postage stamps in the upper right and a postmark for Jackson, Mississippi, September 7, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, August 2, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated August 2, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi from her husband, Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses the shooting range and training, his uniform, where he wants to get stationed after training. The letter goes on to discuss some personal affairs. The letter is written on Marine Corps stationary with the Semper Fidelis logo in the top center. A photograph of Jewel is included with the letter. The envelope bears a red six cent air mail postage stamp in the upper right and a postmark for San Diego, California, August 2, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, September 18, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 18, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi from her husband, Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses his activities, his suggestions for her travel plans, and his interactions with other enlisted men. The letter goes on to describe how anxious he is to have her with him and his hopes for their future. The letter is written on Marine Corps stationary with the Semper Fidelis logo in the top center. The envelope bears a red six cent air mail envelope and a postmark for San Diego, California, September 18, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, September 27, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This typed letter, dated September 27, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi from her husband, Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses his visit with friends, his interactions with his superiors, and his encouragement of her plans to move to San Diego to be with him. He goes on to describe his location and what she needs to go to get to him when her train arrives. The letter is typed on YMCA stationary with the logo of the San Diego building in the upper left. The envelope bears a red six cent air mail postage stamp in the upper right and a postmark for San Diego, California, September 27, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, September 7, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 7, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi from her husband, Kelvie Jennings, at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses his duties on base, his visits with some friends, and some personal affairs. The letter is written on Marine Corps stationary with the Semper Fidelis logo in the top center. The envelope bears a six cent air mail postage stamp and a postmark for San Diego, California, September 7, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, September 7, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 7, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi from her husband, Kelvie Jennings, at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses his duties on base, his visits with some friends, and some personal affairs. The letter is written on Marine Corps stationary with the Semper Fidelis logo in the top center. The envelope bears a six cent air mail postage stamp and a postmark for San Diego, California, September 7, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, September 9, 1942
Jewel Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 9, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi from her husband, Kelvie Jennings, at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses his work on base, what he is doing to prepare for her travel, and the fact that his superiors are discouraging privates from moving their wives to San Diego. The letter goes on to instruct Jewel on what Kelvie thinks is appropriate to do with their personal items and the status of his job. The letter is written on Army and Navy YMCA stationary with an image of the San Diego YMCA building in the upper left. The envelope bears a red six cent air mail postage stamp and a postmark for San Diego, California, September 9, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, August 25 , 1942
Kelvie Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated August 25, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi from her husband, Kelvie Jennings at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses their personal affairs, his thoughts on when and where he might get stationed, and news of their family and friends. The letter is written on Marine Corps stationary with a Semper Fidelis log in the top center. The envelope bears a red six cent postage stamp and a postmark for San Diego, California, August 25, 1942. ""Let's Set the Rising Sun"" accompanies an illustration of a uniformed man chasing a squirrel and an eagle perched on the top of the planet.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, August 4, 1942
Kelvie Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated August 4, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi, from her husband, Kelvie Jennings, at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses his daily and routines at the training camp, his desire to work in the pay office, meeting another Mississippian, and his hopes that they are stationed on the West coast. The letter goes on to discuss their personal affairs and his letters to their family. The letter is written on Marine Corps stationary with the Semper Fidelis logo in the top center. The envelope bears a red six cents air mail postage stamp in the upper right corner and the postmark is San Diego, California, August 4, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, August 8, 1942
Kelvie Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated August 8, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi, from her husband, Kelvie Jennings, at a Marine Corps training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses his current training schedule, his correspondence with family and friends, speculation on the draft situation, and his thoughts on guard duty. The letter goes on to describe how much he misses her and his hopes for their future together. The letter is written on U. S. Marine Corps stationary with an illustration of uniformed men carrying flags in the top center. The envelope bears a red six cent air mail postage stamp in the upper right, a Marine Corps Base ink stamp, a postmark for San Diego, California, August 8, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings, to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, July 25, 1942
Kelvie Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated July 25, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi, from her husband, Kelvie Jennings while he is stationed at a marine training camp in San Diego, California. The letter describes the daily training routines, what they do on their down time, what he is studying, the activity around the camp, and his wish to get on the ""payroll end."" The letter goes on to discuss the weather in San Diego, personal business she needs to take care of at home, who he's written to, and encourages her in his absence. The letter is written on marine corpse stationary with the Semper Fidelis logo in the upper left corner of the paper and the envelope. The postage area on the envelope is stamped ""Marine Corps Base Free"" and is postmarked San Diego, California, July 25, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, July 31, 1942
Kelvie Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated July 31, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi from her husband, Kelvie Jennings, at a Marine training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses his activities at the training camp, who he's written, and his trip from Jackson to San Diego. The letter goes on to advise Jewel on how to handle some of their personal affairs in his absence and offers her some encouragement. The last page of the letter bears some slight damage. An airmail postage stamp is placed in the upper right of the envelope and is postmarked San Diego, California, July 31, 1942.
Letter, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, September 18, 1942
Kelvie Jennings
This handwritten letter, dated September 18, 1942, is written to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi from her husband, Kelvie Jennings, at a Marine training camp in San Diego, California. The letter discusses what his duties are, his thoughts on what to do about their dog when they get stationed, and his disappointment at not getting the payroll job he asked for. The letter goes on to describe his desire to be with her and his thoughts on how to handle their personal affairs prior to moving. The letter is written on Marine Corpse stationary with the Semper Fidelis logo at the top center. The envelope bears two three cent postage stamps and a postmark for San Diego, California, September 18, 1942.
Telegram, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, July 18, 1942
Kelvie Jennings
This typed Western Union telegram, dated July 18, 1942, to Jewel Jennings from her husband, Kelvie Jennings, updates Jewel on Kelvie's trip to San Diego to attend a Marine Corps training camp.
Telegraph, Kelvie Jennings to His Wife, Jewel Jennings, August 20, 1942
Kelvie Jennings
This Western Union telegraph, dated August 30, 1942, is addressed to Jewel Jennings in Jackson, Mississippi from her husband, Kelvie Jennings in San Diego, California. The telegraph informs her of his transfer to a different base.