"I. C. R. P. (Illinois Central Railroad) Yards, Leading to Shops, Water"

Mississippi Delta Region




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This postcard is a color illustration of the yards and shops at the Illinois Central Railroad company in Water Valley, Mississippi. Train cars are seen on the tracks and several buildings, equipment, and train parts are in the yard. After the Civil War, the Mississippi Central was rebuilt under the guidance of Absalom M. West and eventually the Illinois Central Railroad acquired the line by 1872. Illinois Central established their regional headquarters in Water Valley, and based a large maintenance facility there. Famed engineer Casey Jones regularly operated passenger trains along the line, and it was said locals could set their watches by him due to his strict adherence to published schedules. In 1927, Illinois Central started to shift traffic to their Grenada-Memphis route and closed the maintenance facility in Water Valley. In 1941, passenger service ended along the route and five years later the regional headquarters was relocated from Water Valley to Jackson, TN. the title of the card is printed on the upper edge of the image. The back of the card is addressed to Mrs. J. A. Van Horn in Memphis, Tennessee. The card is postmarked Water Valley, Miss., October 3, 1908 and green, one cent Benjamin Franklin postage stamp is placed in the upper right corner. An inscription is written sideways on the left half of the card. [see transcription field]


Water Valley, Miss. 10/3/08 Dear Willie--How are you these days? Write me all the news of the city. Have you seen sister Martha recently? I like my work here very wall. Maude [sic]

Publication Date



H. C. Zimmerman and Co., Chicago

Time Period



Postcards; Railroad yards; Railroad companies


railroad yards; railroad shops; railroad companies; Water Valley, MS

Geographic Location

Water Valley, (Miss.)

Object Type


Format (original)


Format (digital)


Digital ID



Mississippi State University Libraries, Archives and Special Collections, Manuscripts Unit, Lucius Marion Lampton, MD Historical Images Collection, Mississippiana Collection, Postcard/Photographs, Box 4, Mississippi Delta Region



Digital Publisher

Mississippi State University Libraries (electronic version)


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I. C. R. P. (Illinois Central Railroad) Yards, Leading to Shops, Water Valley, Mississippi
