Howard Langfitt Farm Families of the Week

From 1954-1961, WLBT-TV in Jackson, Mississippi sponsored a program which was the creative product of Howard Langfitt (1919-1997), Farm Services Director. "RFD Televisit", an agricultural news and educational program, aired from 12:25-1:00 P.M. Monday through Friday and was sponsored by Hercules Powder Company, Monsanto, various rural electrification systems, and other companies that had an interest in the rural television market. Each program included farm news, agricultural weather and some type of demonstration of an approved farming or homemaking project. Langfitt relied heavily on county agricultural extension agents for projects and suggestions that went into producing the show.

After leaving WLBT in 1961, Langfitt retained the film negatives and scripts which make up the collection. Selections from the physical collection have been digitized and are presented here. Three hundred sixty six (366) families are represented in the collection by 342 television scripts, and some 16,600 negative images. The collection does not contain film or audio of any portion of the programs.


Browse the Howard Langfitt Farm Families of the Week Collections:

Howard Langfitt Farm Families of the Week Photographs

Howard Langfitt Farm Families of the Week Television Scripts