Nannie Herndon Rice Family Papers
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Letter from Rice plantation manager A. B. Parks in Choctaw Agency, Mississippi, to Augusta Hopkins Rice in Mobile, Alabama, opening with the health of the slaves and the state of the crops. Parks writes that his son, who was wounded after fighting in Johnston's army, died at a hospital in Atlanta, and that another wounded son was transferred from Montgomery to Selma, Alabama. The first son was wounded, May 15, 1864, on the last day of the Battle of Resaca, Georgia. Parks writes that the Yankees are trying to raid from Jackson and Memphis, but are being held back. Parks closes with more comments about crops and produce. Letter sent care of Major J.J. Walker, No. 126 Government Street, Mobile, Alabama.1864.
Publication Date
Time Period
Plantations; Plantation overseers; Choctaw Agency (Oktibbeha County, Miss.); Civil war; United States; African-Americans; Slavery; Agriculture; Johnston, Joseph E. (Joseph Eggleston), 1807-1891; Resaca, Battle of, Resaca, Ga., 1864; Atlanta (Ga.); Parks family; Rice, Augusta H., 1831-1906
Object Type
Format (original)
Correspondence: 1 p. ; 17.6 x 23.5 cm.
Format (digital)
Digital ID
Mississippi State University Libraries, Special Collections Department, Manuscripts Division, Nannie Herndon Rice family papers, Folder 26
Digital Publisher
Mississippi State University Libraries (electronic version).
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Recommended Citation
Rice (Nannie Herndon) Family Papers, Special Collections Department, Mississippi State University