Robert and Sadye Wier Papers
The Robert and Sadye Wier Papers digital collection is a collection of selected digitized materials from the Robert and Sadye Wier Papers collection. The Robert and Sadye Wier Papers, 1885-1975, consist of business records, correspondence, family papers, oral history interviews, personal papers, photographs, scrapbooks, and other items related to the lives of the Wiers. Topics covered include race relations, the history of Starkville, the Starkville Second Baptist Church, Journeymen Barber's International Union of America, teaching in Starkville, and the Mississippi Cooperative Extension Service in Newton, Winston, and Lowndes counties.
Sadye Wier at Bessie Johnson's Retirement
Sadye Wier (far left) at Bessie Johnson's Retirement in West Point, Mississippi.
Ball Corporation
Sadye H. Wier (front, left), Mary Spearing (rear, center), and Bertha Sims at the training workshop at the Ball Corporation in Muncie, Indiana, 1976.
Jars of Preserves
Sadye H. Wier (center) with Donald Perry and Mary Spearing, pictured with jars of preserves at the community cannery in Macon, Mississippi.
Macon Cannery
Sadye H. Wier (far left) with Donald Perry and Mary Spearing, pictured in the community cannery in Macon, Mississippi.
Macon Cannery Kitchen
Sadye H. Wier with Donald Perry, Mary Spearing, and an unidentified subject in the community cannery at Macon, Mississippi.
Macon Community Cannery
Sadye H. Wier (center) with Donald Perry and Mary Spearing, pictured in front of Prairie Opportunity, Inc. Community Cannery in Macon, Mississippi.
Steam Kettle
Sadye H. Wier (far right) with Donald Perry and Mary Spearing, stirring vegetable soup in a steam jacketed kettle. Community Cannery in Macon, Mississippi.
En Route to Chicago
Louise Hunter, sister of Sadye H. Wier, en route to Chicago to enter a style show.
Lowndes County Extension Staff
Extension Staff of Lowndes County, Mississippi. L-R standing: Mrs. Myric, Mrs. Jimmie Howard, Miss Curtis; L-R seated: Mrs. Virginia Leigh, Mr. W.B. Latham, Mrs. Sadye H. Wier, Mr. D.S. Cochran.
Women and Children Outdoors
Women and children outdoors at Flora Parrish 4-H Camp in Canton, Mississippi, in August of 1967.
Women at Sewing Tables
A group of women seated at sewing machines while other women pose behind them.
Commodities Demonstration
Demonstration of meals made from commodity foods at the Farmer's Conference at Utica Junior College in Utica, Mississippi.
Cooking Demonstration
Cooking demonstration at the Farmer's Conference at Utica Junior College in Utica, Mississippi.
Sadye H. Wier and Carolyn Washington at Utica Junior College
Sadye H. Wier performing a demonstration with Dr. Carolyn Washington at Utica Junior College's seminar in Commodity Foods, 1964.
Sadye H. Wier and Carolyn Washington at Utica Junior College
Sadye H. Wier performing a demonstration with Dr. Carolyn Washington at Utica Junior College's seminar in Commodity Foods, 1964.
Sadye H. Wier at Utica Junior College
Sadye H. Wier performing a demonstration at Utica Junior College's seminar in commodity foods, 1964.
WACR Event
Young girls in formalwear and paper crowns sanding on a platform while a woman and a man pose on either side of the platform.
Women in 4-H Kitchen
A group of five women in a kitchen. The 4-H emblam is attached to the front of the kitchen island.
Man and Girl Feeding Chickens
A man holds a bucket and feeding chickens while a little girl in a dress stands nearby.
4-H Banquet
A man standing behind a 4-H table while a group of people are seated at a table in the foreground.
Demonstration Exhibit
Display of hand-made items: Today's Home Builds Tomorrow's World; Colored Home Demonstration County Council, Mississippi, 1960.
Lowndes County 4-H Display
Lowndes County 4-H Display at the 1960 State Fair in Jackson, Mississippi.
Woman Sitting Next to Bed
A woman seated with a notebook and pen in a rocking chair beside a four post bed with a white bedspread.
Women and Girl in Bedroom
A woman holding a notebook and pen poses in front of bed with a young woman and a small girl.
Girls in Kitchen
A group of young African-Amercian women wearing white dresses, working in a kitchen.
Hairston Rosendwald Display
A group of model buildings and small shelves of jarred preserves on a table in front of sign for "Hairston Rosenwald Community Club Cooperation.
Woman in Kitchen
A young African-American woman in a white dress, standing at a kitchen counter with a mixing bowl. Other woman are cooking in the background.
Women in Kitchen
A group of young African-Amercian women wearing white dresses, standing in a kitchen. The women are holding dishes of food .
4-H Open House
4-H Girls Learn to Can, Sew and Bake: 1956 4-H Open House display Columbus, Mississippi.
Woman With Food Jars
A owman poses in front of canned food jars with a sign for "Food Preservation" behind them. Many of the jars have award ribbons tied to them.
Cleaning a Bedroom
Happier Living Contest photo showing Sadye Wier and another woman cleaning hardwood floor in an unidentified bedroom.
County Winner Room
Home of Julia Mae Miller, county winner, Happier Living Contest, Mississippi, 1955.
Minister's School in Little Rock, Arkansas
Minister's School in Little Rock, Arkansas, 1955. Sadye Hunter Wier (pictured front, fourth from left) was a teacher there.
Baking Contest
Sadye Wier's early work with Mississippi State University Extension Service: Thirty-one girls entered the 1954 Winston County Baking Contest.; Sadye Wier 1st row, second from left.
Pearlie Ruth's Home
Home of Pearlie Ruth Glean (?), participant in the 4-H Happier Living Contest, 1954.
Jeanette Foster's Bedroom
Bedroom of Jeanette Foster (pictured), 1953 district winner in the 4-H Happier Living Contest.
Jeanette Foster's Home
Home of Jeanette Foster, 1953 district winner in the 4-H Happier Living Contest.
Women With Papers
Sadye Wier's early work with Mississippi State University Extension Service: Women at a possible recognition ceremony; Sadye Wier, 3rd row, 3rd from right.
4-H Banquet
4-H Banquet honoring adult and 4-H Leaders, Winston County, Mississippi, 1952; Sadye Wier seated, in foreground.
4-H Display Alternate View
4-H Club show window for National 4-H Week, Winston County, Mississippi, 1952.
Club Banner
4-H Club receiving Banner Club award from telephone company, Winston County, Mississippi, 1952.
Formal Presentation
Presentation of Happier Living Contest award to 4-H member, Mississippi; Sadye Wier 3rd from left.
Sewing School
Sadye Wier's early work with Mississippi State University Extension Service: Sewing school held for leaders, Winston County, Mississippi, 1952. Demonstration given in cutting a plaid dress.
Willie B. Miller's Bedroom
4-H Happier Living Contest 2nd place state winner Willie B. Miller's bedroom, 1952.
Willie B. Miller's Home
4-H Happier Living Contest 2nd place state winner Willie B. Miller's home, 1952.
People Outside House
Exterior of home and family, Mississippi, 1951; Sadye Wier sitting, 3rd from left.
4-H Attainment Day
Sadye Wier's early work with Mississippi State University Extension Service: 4-H Attainment Day, Winston County, Mississippi.
4-H Girls Posing By Monument
Sadye Wier's early work with Mississippi State University Extension Service: 4-H girls showing uniform and dresses, in front of monument.
4-H Project Display
Display of materials and information for 4-H. The banner of the display reads "Here's your opportunity…Be 4-H Wise."
African-American Workers
African-American workers, possibly doing construction on Noxubee Industrial School, founded in 1898.
Arts and Crafts Display
An arts and crafts display of the Home Demonstration Department of the Mississippi Extension Services.
Bedroom, Happier Living Contest. Handwritten on back of photograph: 'Gertrude Macon / Harmony'.
Boys With Chemicals
Two young men in dress pants, a dress shirt, and tie, pose with a table of chemicals and small equipment.