Letter on Behalf of Pvt. F. P. Scarbrough, to officers Gathering up Absentees, J. D. Smith, Captain, 8th Mississippi Cavalry, McCullough Brigade, February 1865
Captain J.D. Smith
Written just months before the end of the war, this hastily scrawled note on rough paper is addressed to "officers gathering up absentees" and would have served as a letter of introduction and safe passage for Private F.P. Scarbrough. The letter notes that Scarbrough has essentially been invalided out, and is returning home to recover from his sixth severe wound of the war. At the end, J.D. Smith further vouches that Scarbrough will return to his regiment as soon as he is able. This item was included in the Scrawl and Order exhibit, .
Letter, H. W. Foote to Mr. Wells, March 16, 1862
Hezekiah William Foote
Letter, H. W. Foote, probably from Noxubee County, Mississippi, to Mr. Wells, sending him a slave girl named Gusty, who has a ''terrible disposition.'' He tells Wells, ''Do not treat her cruelly, but make her know her place.'' He also sends winter clothes and molasses for the slaves. 1862.
List of property sold by James Scarbrough
James Scarbrough
Detailed list of property, from household items to livestock, sold by James Scarbrough on January 25, 1862, along with the names of the men who purchased the items.
J. W. Wells war tax receipt
James B. Shelton
Receipt for J. W. Wells' payment of $10.75 in taxes to the Confederate States of America, received by District 33 tax collector James B. Shelton, 1862.
James Scarbrough receipt for state, county, military, and military relief taxes
William C. Staples
Receipt for James Scarborough's payment of $632 in taxes to the Confederate States of America for ''State, county, military, and military relief,'' received by Sheriff William C. Staples, 1862.