Hays Ray Webb Collection
The Hays Ray Webb digital collection is a collection of selected digitized materials from the Hays Ray Webb collection. The digtial collection contains family correspondence about the Civil War.
Letter, Sophie Boyd Hays to Matilda Boyd Webb, April 17, 1861
Sophia Boyd Hays
Letter from Sophie Boyd Hays in La Grange, Tennessee, to ''Lit'' (Matilda A. Boyd Webb), mentioning the likely secession of Virginia and regretting that young men are leaving school to sign up for the army, 1861. She also discusses dressmaking and the problems of maintaining her house and distrust of servants.
Letter, Mattie A. Boyd and Sophie Boyd Hays to Matilda Boyd Webb, June 22, 1851
Sophia Boyd Hays and Mattie Ann Boyd
Letter to ''Lit'' (Matilda Ann Boyd Webb) from her cousin, Mattie A. Boyd, and Sophie Boyd Hays. Mattie is visiting Sophie, her school term in Oxford having just ended. Mattie writes that most of the young men are gone from town, and that ''cousin Robert'' is happy at the army camp. She asks if any positions are available at local schools or with families. Sophie emphasizes Mattie's request for a teaching position and recommends her for such, and mentions that the troops at Union City might be sent to Missouri. 1861.
Letter, Eliza Patterson to Ann Boyd Green, September 1, 1861
Eliza Patterson
Letter from Eliza Patterson to her aunt, Ann Boyd Green, from Tunica County, Mississippi. She writes of being home from Nashville and bringing a nephew Bell with her, and about a nephew who recently died of whooping cough and measles. She mentions cousins Jack (Boyd) and Robert (Boyd), who are serving in the war. She writes that times are hard, and all they hear about is war. 1861.
Letter from Matilda Patterson, Septermber 2, 1861
Matilda Patterson
Letter from Matilda Patterson from Moor's Byue (Moore's Bayou), Tunica County, later Quitman County, Mississippi to her sister Anna Green, relating family and local news, and praising the soldiers fighting in the war. She mentions that son Joseph is going to fight in Virginia. 1861.