To have your datasets listed here, submit your work to your college or research center's Publications and Scholarship collection and choose the document type "Research Data."


Submissions from 2025


Towards Cost Effective Autonomous Mapping of Invasive Aquatic Plants Using Deep Learning and a GPU Enabled Microcomputer, Swarup Bhattarai, Sathishkumar Samiappan, Piyush Chaudhary, and Ashutosh Shah


Datasets and script associated with S. B. Correa et al. 2025. Floodplain forests drive fruit-eating fish diversity at the Amazon Basin scale, Sandra B. Correa, Karold V. Coronado-Franco, Celine Jézéquel, Amanda Cantarute Rodrigues, and Kristine O. Evans


Pesticide Runoff from Conventional, Minimum, and No-Tillage Cropping Systems: Meta-Analysis of Published North American Data, Daniel Fleming, Dave Spencer, and Chicot Irrigation

Submissions from 2024


The Complete Mitochondrial Genomes of Notropis chlorocephalus and Notropis chiliticus, Zachariah D. Alley, Kayla M. Fast, and Michael W. Sandel


Inventory of Western United States Glaciers- 2020, Shrinidhi Ambinakudige and Bernard Abubakari


Response Effort Attenuates Provoked Aggression, Mitchell E. Berman


Movement data of wild pigs at Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee Wildlife Refuge in Mississippi, Tyler S. Evans, Natasha Ellison, Melanie R. Boudreau, Bronson K. Strickland, Garrett M. Street, and Raymond B. Iglay


Capture history data from hair snare sampling of wild pigs in Mississippi, Tyler S. Evans, Eric T. Hileman, Melanie R. Boudreau, Bronson K. Strickland, and Raymond B. Iglay


Phylogenomic Species Delimitation of Studfishes (Fundulidae: Fundulus): Evidence for Cryptic Species in Agreement with the Central Highlands Vicariance Hypothesis, Kayla M. Fast, Peter J. Hundt, Zachariah D. Alley, and Michael W. Sandel


Short-term Impacts of Biochar and Mycorrhizal Inoculation for Pinus echinata Reforestation on Strip-mined Soils, Casey Iwamoto, Courtney Siegert, Joshua J. Granger, Adam Polinko, Krishna P. Poudel, and Zachary Freedman


Black Exclusion and Spatial Integration in U.S. Municipalities, 1990-2020, Domenico Parisi, Daniel T. Lichter, Shrinidhi Ambinakudige, and Christian Kelly Scott


Aboveground woody biomass estimation of young bioenergy plantations of populus and its hybrids using LIDAR remote sensing, Heidi Renninger


Cyperus blepharoleptos Maxent ecological niche models, Samuel A. Schmid, Maxwell G. Gebhart, and Gray Turnage


Invasion ecology of Alternanthera philoxeroides, Cyperus blepharoleptos, Panicum repens, and Triadica sebifera, Samuel A. Schmid, Adrián Lázaro-Lobo, Cory M. Shoemaker, Andrew Sample, MacKenzie Cade, Gary N. Ervin, and Gray Turnage


MaxEnt ecological niche models for Alternanthera philoxeroides, Amynothrips andersoni, and Agasicles hygrophila, Samuel A. Schmid, Andrés F. Sánchez-Restrepo, Alejandro J. Sosa, Gray Turnage, and Gary N. Ervin

Submissions from 2023


Leaf-level physiological strategies related to productivity and plasticity of Populus in the southeastern US

Aerial Wildlife Image Repository, Santhana Krishnan Boopalan


Chronic Wasting Disease Contamination of Deer Scrapes, Miranda H.J. Huang, Steve Demarais, Alejandro Banda, Bronson K. Strickland, Anna Grace Welch, Scoty Hearst, Stuart Lichtenberg, Allan Houston, Kim M. Pepin, and Kurt C. VerCauteren


Biochar and Microbial Soil Amendment Effects on Post-mined Soil for Pinus echinata Restoration in a Changing Climate, Casey Iwamoto, Courtney Siegert, Joshua J. Granger, Krishna P. Poudel, Adam Polinko, and Zachary Freedman


Dataset for Controllable factors affecting accuracy and precision of human identification of animals from drone imagery, Landon R. Jones, Jared A. Elmore, B. S. Krishnan, Sathishkumar Samiappan, Kristine O. Evans, Morgan B. Pfeiffer, Bradley F. Blackwell, and Raymond B. Iglay


Chemical and Biological Control of Alligator Weed, Samuel A. Schmid, Gray Turnage, and Gary N. Ervin


Artificial Intelligence Applications for Social Science Research, Megan Stubbs-Richardson, Lauren Brown, MacKenzie Paul, and Devon Brenner


CUSCN30: the dynamic dataset of Curve Number from 2008 to 2021 over conterminous United States, Qiong Wu, John J. Ramirez Avila, and Jinxi Song

Submissions from 2022


Dataset Demonstrating Relief Displacement of Airborne Objects, Joe Crumpton, Jared A. Elmore, Landon R. Jones, Morgan B. Pfeiffer, Joshua L. Hoblet, C. Daniel McCraine, Sathishkumar Samiappan, B. S. Krishnan, Raymond B. Iglay, Esteban Fernández-Juricic, and Bradley F. Blackwell


Using hyperspectral leaf reflectance to estimate the photosynthetic capacity and nitrogen content across eastern cottonwood and hybrid poplar genotypes, Thu Ya Kyaw, Courtney M. Siegert, Padmanava Dash, Krishna P. Poudel, Justin J. Pitts, and Heidi J. Renninger


Physiological Functioning and Productivity in Eastern Cottonwood and Hybrid Poplars on Contrasting Sites in the Southeastern US, Heidi Renninger


Changes in bark properties and hydrology following prescribed fire, Courtney Siegert, Anna Ilek, and Adam Wade


Indirect Effects of Parental Psychological Control on Emerging Adult Psychological Problems via Emotion Regulation, Alyssa R. Williams and Cliff McKinney

Submissions from 2021


Mississippi Sky Conditions, Joby Czarnecki, Sathishkumar Samiappan, Louis Wasson, and C. Daniel McCraine


Compiled Dataset from the National Reservoir Research Program 1989 Dataset, Nicky M. Faucheux and Leandro E. Miranda


End-grain of eleven softwood species, Dercilio Lopes, Gabrielly Dos Santos Bobadilha, Edward Entsminger, and Optimal LLC


Evaluation of wave attenuation and shoreline protection provided by US Atlantic and Gulf coast oyster reef living shoreline projects during storm events, Matthew Virden and Eric Sparks

Submissions from 2020


PhyloFisher v1.0 Database, Matthew W. Brown


Restoring fringing tidal marshes for ecological function and ecosystem resilience to moderate sea-level rise in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Sara Martin


Species distribution models to inform at-risk species status assessments in the southeastern US, Carlos Ramirez-Reyes, Mona Nazeri, Garrett Street, Francisco Vilella, D. Todd Jones-Farrand, and Kristine O. Evans


Aquatic habitat changes along the Arkansas River (Supporting Data and Code), Mike Rhodes, Jonathan Spurgeon, Wes Neal, and Kristine Evans


Changes in forest hydrology and soil biogeochemistry following a simulated tree mortality event of southern pine beetle, Courtney Siegert, Heidi Renninger, and Nicole Hornslein


Aquatic habitat changes along the Arkansas River (Supporting Data for Analysis), Jonathan Spurgeon, Mike Rhodes, Wes Neal, and Kristine Evans


End-grain of 10 North American hardwoods, Lopes Dercilio Verly Junior, Greg W. Burgreen, and Edward D. Entsminger

Submissions from 2019


Data Repository - Influence of Disturbance on Avian Communities in Agricultural Conservation Buffers in Mississippi, USA, The Open Ornithology Journal, Heidi Lynn Adams, L. Wes Burger Jr, and Sam Riffell


Data Archive: Using a Coproduction Approach to Map Future Forest Retention Likelihood in the Southeastern United States, Rachel E. Greene, Kristine O. Evans, Michael T. Gray, D. Todd Jones-Farrand, and William G. Wathen


Conservation Database for the Gulf Coast Region of the United States, Andrew Shamaskin, Sathishkumar Samiappan, Jiangdong Liu, Kristine Evans, and Anna Linhoss


Ecological and physical performance data for plantings and offshore breakwaters at Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Alabama, Eric Sparks

Submissions from 2018


A FileMaker Pro database for use in the recording of Commingled and/or Fragmentary Human Remains, Anna J. Osterholtz

Submissions from 2017


Bt Cotton Meta-analysis Data, Daniel Fleming, Nathan Little, and Fred Musser


Data and Code for "Net Displacement and Temporal Scaling: Model Fitting, Interpretation, and Implementation", Garrett Street, Tal Avgar, and Luca Börger

Submissions from 2016


ICMA 2016 Smart Cities Survey, International City/County Management Association (ICMA)

Submissions from 2014


ICMA dataset: Economic Development 2014, International City/County Management Association (ICMA)

Submissions from 2011


Municipal Form of Government 2011 - Full Dataset, International City/County Management Association (ICMA)