The SSRC was established in 1950 and enjoys a long and storied history of research accomplishments. The impact of our research has had on the state, the nation and the world is evident in the success of our organization, which has ultimately been driven by the desire and dedication of our employees. Although an organization's annual report provides a venue to applaud the hard work and dedication of its employees for its success during the previous year, this particular report also celebrates our accomplished past and acknowledges significant historical milestones celebrated this year.
Social Science Research Center
Publication Date
Research Center
Social Science Research Center
SSRC, Social Science Research Center, Annual Report, Twitter, Refugees, School Safety, Social Relations Collaborative, E-Front Door, Flint Water Crisis, Disaster Management, Mississippi Data Project, Soybean Innovation Lab, Gender Equity, Healthy Lifestyles
Recommended Citation
Burns, Michael A., "SSRC Annual Report 2016" (2016). SSRC Annual Reports. 7.