Theses and Dissertations


Zhen Liu

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Bridges, Susan M.

Committee Member

Hodges, Julia E.

Committee Member

Vaughn, Rayford B.

Committee Member

Hansen, Eric A.

Committee Member

Dandass, Yoginder S.

Date of Degree


Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access


Computer Science

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


James Worth Bagley College of Engineering


Department of Computer Science and Engineering


This dissertation describes a family of models of program behavior, the Hybrid Push Down Automata (HPDA) that can be acquired using a combination of static analysis and dynamic learning in order to take advantage of the strengths of both. Static analysis is used to acquire a base model of all behavior defined in the binary source code. Dynamic learning from audit data is used to supplement the base model to provide a model that exactly follows the definition in the executable but that includes legal behavior determined at runtime. Our model is similar to the VPStatic model proposed by Feng, Giffin, et al., but with different assumptions and organization. Return address information extracted from the program call stack and system call information are used to build the model. Dynamic learning alone or a combination of static analysis and dynamic learning can be used to acquire the model. We have shown that a new dynamic learning algorithm based on the assumption of a single entry point and exit point for each function can yield models of increased generality and can help reduce the false positive rate. Previous approaches based on static analysis typically work only with statically linked programs. We have developed a new component-based model and learning algorithm that builds separate models for dynamic libraries used in a program allowing the models to be shared by different program models. Sharing of models reduces memory usage when several programs are monitored, promotes reuse of library models, and simplifies model maintenance when the system updates dynamic libraries. Experiments demonstrate that the prototype detection system built with the HPDA approach has a performance overhead of less than 6% and can be used with complex real-world applications. When compared to other detection systems based on analysis of operating system calls, the HPDA approach is shown to converge faster during learning, to detect attacks that escape other detection systems, and to have a lower false positive rate.

