Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Bridges, David H.
Committee Member
Koenig, Keith
Committee Member
Taylor, Lafayette K.
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Aerospace Engineering
Degree Name
Master of Science
College of Engineering
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Difficulties exist with designing and testing on a model scale. The purpose of this study is to examine variations in the flow field of a submarine due to hull/propulsor interaction and Reynolds scaling. The scope of this study includes the simulation of the flow past a 1) five-bladed marine propeller with 0° skew, 2) unappended submarine hull, 3) forward propelled submarine with asymmetrical stern appendages, and 4) submarine in crashback with asymmetrical stern appendages. The bare hull simulations are conducted for three different length scales: small model scale, large model scale, and full scale. The isolated propeller and appended submarine simulations are conducted on the large model scale. It is of interest how sensitive the various flow characteristics are to Reynolds number and the turbulence model. All simulations are at 0° angle of attack, and validated with experimental data where available.
Recommended Citation
Cash, Allison Nicole, "Computational Studies of Fully Submerged Bodies, Propulsors, and Body/Propulsor Interactions" (2001). Theses and Dissertations. 1145.