Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Riley, John Michael
Committee Member
Coatney, Kalyn
Committee Member
Little, Randall D.
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Agricultural Economics
Degree Name
Master of Science
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Agricultural Economics
Beef cattle production in the southeastern United States differs in size, practice, and production type from other U.S. regions. Smaller, cow-calf type operations dominate in this region because the climate, forage availability, and other land use practices of farmers make this type of cattle operation more ideal for the Southeast. This research summarizes the current practices and characteristics that define the Southeastern cow-calf operation of today’s market and operating environment; it also examines the factors that influence the variability of beef production in these operations. Results indicate the following major points: 1.) 53.0% of respondents with commercial cows have fewer than 50 head. 2.) Weaning weight and its variability tend to increase as calves get older. 3.) Calves on seedstock operations wean heavier than those typical of cow-calf operations. 4.) Operators that are more financially invested in their operation seem to be more attentive to outcomes of their production process.
Recommended Citation
Adkins, Tracey Scott, "Cow-Calf Operations in the Southeastern United States: An Analysis of Farm Characteristics and Production Risks" (2012). Theses and Dissertations. 1208.