Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Davis, E. James
Committee Member
Campbell, Charles
Committee Member
Stonecypher, Wayne
Committee Member
Wiseman, M. William
Date of Degree
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Community College Leadership
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
College of Education
Department of Educational Leadership
The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of satisfaction of dislocated workers served by WIN Job Centers in the Mississippi Corridor Consortium. Four WIN Job Centers participated in this study: Northeast Mississippi Community College WIN Job Center in Corinth, Northwest Mississippi Community College WIN Job Center in Oxford, Itawamba Community College WIN Job Center in Tupelo, and the Golden Triangle WIN Job Center in Columbus that is operated by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security. This study was concerned with the following variables: facilities, staff, services, self-service facilities, and overall level of satisfaction. A survey design was employed in this study to collect and analyze the data. From the four WIN Job Centers, a total of 159 surveys were collected in the ten week period. An instrument created and utilized by the North Carolina Employment Security System titled “Customer Satisfaction Survey” was used to collect the data. The instrument was tested for internal consistency, and the Cronbach alpha coefficient was .793. The data collected from the surveys were tested using the One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Among conclusions for this study were the following: each of the four WIN Job Centers rated in the Excellent to Good rating in satisfaction for each of the following areas: staff, facilities, services, self-service facilities, and overall satisfaction; of the five null hypotheses, three were rejected due to there being a statistically significant difference in at least one of the centers with regards to facilities, staff, and services.
Recommended Citation
Washburn, Dava Michelle, "Customer satisfaction perceptions of dislocated workers served by WIN Job Centers in the Mississippi Corridor Consortium" (2009). Theses and Dissertations. 1241.