Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Horstemeyer, Mark F.
Committee Member
El Kadiri, Haitham
Committee Member
Oppedal, Andrew L.
Committee Member
Rhee, Hongjoo
Date of Degree
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Mechanical Engineering
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
James Worth Bagley College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
This work presents a combined theoretical-experimental study of strain rate behavior in metals. The method is to experimentally calibrate and validate an Internal State Variable (ISV) constitutive model with a wide range of strain rate sensitivity. Therefore a practical apparatus and methodology for performing highly sought-after intermediate strain rate experimentation was created. For the first time in reported literature, the structure-property relations of Rolled Homogeneous Armor is quantified at the microscale and modeled with varying strain rates, temperatures, and stress states to capture plasticity and damage with a single set of constants that includes intermediate strain rates. A rolled homogeneous armor (RHA) was used as a material system to prove the methodology. In doing so, a newly implemented strain rate dependent nucleation parameter for RHA was implemented to transition the dominant damage mechanism from void growth to void nucleation as strain rate increased. The ISVs were utilized in finite element analysis for robust predictability of mechanical performance as well as predictability of microstructural evolution with regards to void size and number distribution. For intermediate strain rate experiments, robust load acquisition was achieved using a novel serpentine transmittal bar that allowed for long stress waves to traverse a short bar system; this system eliminated load- ringing that plagues servo-hydraulic systems. A direct hydraulic loading apparatus was developed to provide uniform strain rates throughout intermediate rate tests to improve on the current limitations of the state-of-the-art. Key recommendations on the advancement of predictive modeling of dynamic materials, as well as performing advanced dynamic experimentation, are elucidated.
Recommended Citation
Whittington, Wilburn Ray, "Development of Intermediate and High Strain Rate Experimentation and Material Modeling of Viscoplastic Metals" (2015). Theses and Dissertations. 1463.