Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Grado, Stephen C.
Committee Member
Gordon, Jason S.
Committee Member
Kushla, John D.
Committee Member
Henn, R. Alan
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Degree Name
Master of Science (M.S.)
College of Forest Resources
Department of Forestry
Trunk height, diameter, and stomatal conductance measurements were taken over a three-year time frame on clonal red maple cultivars [Acer rubrum ‘Frank Jr’] on two sites with varying conditions. Physiological and morphological effects on tree growth were measured on both sites in response to Pneumatic Fracturing (PF) and Liquid Injection (LI) treatments. The primary questions asked in study one were: (1) Does stomatal conductance differ among the two sites during mid-summer? and (2) Do height and diameter measures differ among the two sites? In study two, I asked: (1) Do height, diameter and stomatal conductance differ between site modification treatments within each site? Control samples on the Site 2 had significantly more growth than the controls on the Site 1. PF and LI treatments showed significantly more diameter growth on the Site 1 while a significant difference was also seen in stomatal conductance following treatments on Site 1.
Recommended Citation
Fulgham, David Tildon, "Growth of Clonal Red Maples on Varying Site Conditions in Mississippi and Response to Pneumatic Fracturing and Liquid Injection" (2019). Theses and Dissertations. 2453.