Theses and Dissertations

Issuing Body

Mississippi State University


Jayroe, Theresa

Committee Member

Hare, Dwight

Committee Member

Prince, Debra

Committee Member

Brenner, Devon

Committee Member

Roberts, Lloyd

Date of Degree


Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access


Elementary Education

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


College of Education


Department of Curriculum and Instruction


The research question for this study was: Did the Kindergarten Teacher Reading Academy (KTRA) Professional Development Model impact the kindergarten teachers¡¯ instructional practices? Moat (2004) indicated that professional development should be job-embedded with substantive and sustaining power. This research employed a qualitative method. The Participant Knowledge Survey (pre-and posttest), was administered to all kindergarten participants at the KTRA. Six kindergarten teachers were then selected to participate in follow-up. This follow-up included a classroom observation and teacher interview at each teacher¡¯s school. All participants are certified kindergarten teachers that teach in public schools in Mississippi. The results of the interview revealed that these teachers¡¯ instructional practices were very different. Teachers that received on going support and guidance throughout the academic year provided more instruction in kindergarten. These teachers have been trained on all professional development models held in the state. After the initial trainings, participants attend Peer Coaching Study Teams weekly (2 hours per week). These teachers are given time to reflect on their practices, and are provided moral support from their peers and administrator. Teachers that participated in this study indicated that they valued the activities and strategies from the KTRA. They have implemented the topics from the KTRA Professional Development Model. The results of the study indicate that attending a professional development session is not enough. Teachers need direct support and guidance if they want to improve their instructional practices. The KTRA did have an instructional impact on all of the kindergarten teachers that attended the session.

