Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Schilling, M. Wes
Committee Member
French, Todd
Committee Member
Goddard, Jerome
Committee Member
Kim, Taejo
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Food Science and Technology
Degree Name
Master of Science (M.S.)
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Department of Food Science, Nutrition and Health Promotion
Distillate solutions that were derived from concentrated ferment were incorporated into either a carrageenan (CG) and propylene glycol alginate (PGA) gum blend or into a CG, PGA, and xanthan gum (XG) blend. Distillate treatments were compared against a 10% propylene glycol treatment, a gum only control, and negative control using three hams that were cut into 2.5 cm thick slices and then cut into 2.5×2.5×2.5cm cubes (n=50) that were dipped into solutions prior to conducting mite bioassays. Coated and control ham cubes were inoculated with 20 adult mites from the species T. putrescentiae (Schrank), and incubated for 2 and 3 weeks. The distilled treatments with CG + PGA + XG had a greater reduction (P<0.05) in mite populations than all other treatments with the exception of the 10% PG coated treatments. In addition, there were no differences between treatments with respect to sensory texture, flavor, and moistness.
Recommended Citation
Portillo, Hector Asis, "Incorporating Fermented By-Products of Lactobacillus Diolivorans Sp. in Food Grade Coatings Designed for Inhibition of Tyrophagus Putrescentiae on Dry-Cured Hams" (2017). Theses and Dissertations. 2680.