Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Sun, Changyou
Committee Member
Munn, A. Ian
Committee Member
Barnett, J. Barry
Committee Member
Grala, K. Robert
Committee Member
Grado, C. Stephen
Date of Degree
Document Type
Dissertation - Open Access
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
College of Forest Resources
Department of Forestry
In the last two decades, many firms in the U.S. forest products industry have either divested their timberlands or converted their corporate structures from C corporations to real estate investment trusts (REITs). This study hypothesizes that this large-scale timberland ownership change affects the financial performance of firms involved in divestitures and on timber supply and, as a result, the economic surplus of producers and consumers in the U.S. timber markets. These issues have not been adequately addressed in existing literature. Event analysis and equilibrium displacement models were employed to address firm financial performance in the capital markets and welfare implications in U.S. timber markets, respectively. The capital markets responded to divestiture events by significantly improving buying firms’ and REITs’ market value. Annual average timberland ownership changes resulted in a net reduction of timber supply which, in turn, caused total social surplus to decrease by $43 million on annual rate of timberland ownership change basis. Compared to over $33 billion U.S. timber markets, this surplus reduction was small. Thus, this study helps justify timberland ownership change decisions and explains the nature and extent of surplus shifts among producers and consumers when timberlands change hands.
Recommended Citation
Rahman, Mohammad Mahfuzur, "Industrial timberland transactions in the United States: firm financial performance, timber supply, and welfare implications" (2011). Theses and Dissertations. 2697.
TIMOs||Timberland||tax policies||Economic surplus||REITs