Theses and Dissertations
Issuing Body
Mississippi State University
Ramkumar, Mahalingam
Committee Member
Hansen, Eric
Committee Member
Vaughn, Rayford B.
Date of Degree
Document Type
Graduate Thesis - Open Access
Computer Science
Degree Name
Master of Science
James Worth Bagley College of Engineering
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Resource constraints and wireless nature of communication render the securing of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) challenging. Ad hoc deployment of sensors make key pre distribution schemes (KPSs) more suitable for establishing security associations between resource constrained sensors. Specifically, probabilistic key pre distribution schemes (PKPSs) which mandate very low computational complexity, are good choices for securing WSNs. In this thesis we examine the suitability of PKPSs for sensor networks and propose several improvements to PKPSs for their use in WSNs. The specific contributions of this thesis are fourold: ? Strategies to improve trade-offs between connectivity and collusion resistance. ? Enumeration of the need for authentication, and strategies to improve the strength of authentication. ? Exploiting imbalances between costs of different resources (computation, storage), and ? Taking advantage of external storage resources to improve security of WSNs.
Recommended Citation
Voruganti, Anupama, "Key Distribution for Wireless Sensor Networks" (2007). Theses and Dissertations. 2898.
key distribution schemes||sensor networks